86 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II
Page 86 | OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV. |
tainly to-night. They must take up a strong position. There is no doubt the enemy is approaching you. Hold on to your position to the last. The whole army is on the move to join your.
By command of Major-General Pope:
Colonel and Chief of Staff.
Numbers 105. FAIRFAX COURT-HOUSE, September 2, 1862.Major-General HALLECK,
As I expected, the enemy last evening attacked my right furiously in the direction of Fairfax Court-House, but were repulsed with heavy loss. Our loss was also severe, General Steves being killed and Kearny missing. The enemy has not renewed his attack this morning, but is undoubtedly again beating around to the northeast. Your telegram of this date is just received, and its provisions will be carried out at once.
Major-General, Commanding.
Numbers 106. CIRCULAR.] HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF VIRGINIA, Fairfax Court-House, September 2, 1862.The following movement of troops will be made at once, in accordance with the instructions from the War Department, viz:
1. Banks' corps will march by the Braddock's road and Annondale, and take post at or near Fort Worth.
2. The corps of Franklin and Hooker will pursue the Little River pike toward Alexandria.
3. Heintzelman's corps the Braddock road toward Fort Lyon.
4. McDowell's corps the road by Falls Church, Little River, and Columbia pikes toward Forts Craig and Tillinghast. The corps of Porter, Sumner, and Sigel via Vienna toward the Chain Bridge. These three latter corps will keep well closed up and within easy supporting distance of each other.
The cavalry under General Buford will follow and cover the march of the three corps of Porter, Sumner, and Sigel, and Bayard the troops marching on the road south of it. Sumner will bring up the rear on the route he is ordered to pursue. Hooker will cover the rear on the Little River pike, and Banks the rear on the Braddock road. General Banks will call in the forces from Sangster's and Fairfax Stations, and will break up the depot at the latter place, shipping all stores by rail to Alexandria. The wagon trains, except such as are in immediate use by the corps, will pursue the Little River pike to Alexandria. The commanding officers of corps will send forward a capable officer to Alexandria to take charge of their respective trains, and will conduct them to the headquarters of their respective corps. The medical director will take immediate steps to have all the sick and wounded carried back to Alexandria. General Reno will take up the line of march immediately by the Little River turnpike to Alexandria. The commanders of these various army corps will send forward, several
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