112 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II
Page 112 | Chapter XXIV. OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. |
point sight of the Court-House quite a large force were again attacked and driven. Skirmishing continued between our advance guard and the enemy through to the outskirts of the town and a short distance on the Gordonsville pike. At this time the head of the main column was at the intersection of the Gordonsville and Madison roads, and were thrown into some confusion by a spirited charge made by the enemy's cavalry from the direction of the Madison road. The front of the column becoming confused created some disorder in the main body. The confused troops were gotten out of the way and order restored and the companies reformed. While reforming these troops a bold and dashing cavalry charge was made by Companies F and C, First Vermont Cavalry, under Captains Hall and Wells. Skirmishing continued for some time, the town being held by our forces.
During the entire skirmish 25 of the enemy were killed, 2 mortally and several severely wounded, and 52 taken prisoners.
Of the casualties in my regiment I append a list.*
In concluding my report, necessarily brief, having simply the command of my own regiment, I beg leave to call the especial attention of the general commanding to the following-named officers of my regiment on account of their gallant conduct, bravery, and exercise of sound judgment on this occasion: Adjt. Edgar Pitkin, Captain Hall, of Company F; Captain Flint, Company I; Captain Wells, Company C; Asst. Surg. P. O. M. Edson, First Lieutenant Erhardt, Company A; Second Lieutenant Edwards, Company A; Lieutenants Grant and Woodbury, Company I; Lieutenants Grover and Cushman, Company E, and, in fact, every officer of the command and the men, with but few exceptions, deserve great praise for their coolness and gallantry under the peculiar circumstances, it requiring as much bravery and more firmness to prevent a rout than to insure a victory.
Trusting the general commanding will not attribute the momentary disorder to any of my men, I have the honor to remain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel First Vermont Cavalry.
Assistant Adjutant-General, Culpeper Court-House, Va.
Numbers 2. Report of Colonel William E. Jones, Seventh Virginia Cavalry.AUGUST 7, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to report that on Saturday last, August 2, I was ordered with my regiment from near Gordonsville to hold and support the picket posts in our front along the Rapidan. On arriving at Colonel Willis'(within half a mile of town) we first learned the enemy were in possession, but in what force could not be ascertained. Just this side of town we met Captain Daingerfield, with his company, retiring before the enemy. No time could be afforded for inquiries - to fight or run were the only alternatives; I chose the former, and, as it turned out, against immense odds. Sharpshooters from Captain Magruder's company were thrown to the front and they drove in their advanced
* Nominal list omitted shows 4 men wounded and 4 missing.
Page 112 | Chapter XXIV. OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. |