Today in History:

121 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II


Fredericksburg, to which point they continued their march. I encamped near Bowling Green, and the next day returned to Hanover Court-House.

The result of this expedition were 85 prisoners of war and 11 fine wagons and teams complete, besides about 15 cavalry horses, arms, and equipments. The loss in killed and wounded on our side was 2 mortally wounded. On the part of the enemy the loss could not be ascertained, though unquestionably greater than mine. The operations of the enemy against the railroad were frustrated, my fortunate advent at so seasonable a moment in his rear being providential.

During my stay near Fredericksburg, I regret to say, Burke, the Texas scout, was badly wounded in the wrist by a Federal sentinel near the town, and one of the Third Virginia Cavalry was shot by one of the Ninth Virginia Cavalry by mistake. This wholesome check to the enemy prevented any further raids upon the railroad, and kept him in a stake of trepidation for fear of attack in the rear for the remainder of the summer.

The officers and men behaved with their usual coolness and bravery, beginning with the gallant brigadier, whose dashing example animated his entire command, and Colonel S. D. Lee, Lieutenant Colonel John T. Thornton (Third Virginia Cavalry), Captain Berkeley, and Lieutenant White, of same regiment, behaved with conspicuous gallantry, handling their commands admirably, but all deserve special praise at my hands. My staff present rendered valuable service.

I submit herewith a sketch of this expedition by my engineer, Captain W. W. Blackford, C. S. Engineers, &c.*

I have the honor to be, most respectfully, your obedient servant,


Major-General, Commanding.

Brigadier General R. H. CHILTON,

Adjt. and Insp. General, Hdqrs. Army of Northern Virginia.

AUGUST 5-8, 1862.- Expeditions from Fredericksburg to Frederick's Hall Station and Spotsylvania Court-House, Va., with skirmishes.+


Numbers 1.- Brigadier General Rufus King, U. S. Army.

Numbers 2.- Brigadier General John Gibbon, U. S. Army.

Numbers 3.- Colonel Lysander Cutler, Sixth Wisconsin Infantry.

Numbers 4.- Captain J. Albert Monroe, Battery D, First Rhode Island Light Artillery.

Numbers 1. Report of Brigadier General Rufus King, U. S. Army.

Fredericksburg, Va., August 6, 1862 - 10.30 a. m.

COLONEL: General Gibbon's column, which went out on the Telegraph road, fell in the enemy in considerable force, artillery and cavalry, yesterday morning. Some skirmishing took place, the enemy retiring as our artillery opened. The heat was so intense that it was


* To appear in Atlas.

+ See also Stuart's reports of expedition from Hanover Court-House, etc., p.18.
