127 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II
Page 127 | Chapter XXIV. SKIRMISH AT PACK'S FERRY, W. VA. |
AUGUST 6, 1862.-Skirmish at Pack's Ferry, New River, W. Va.
No. 1.- Brigadier General Jacob D. Cox, U. S. Army, commanding District of the Kanawha.
No. 2.- Colonel E. Parker Scammon, Twenty-third Ohio Infantry, commanding First Provisional Brigade.
No. 3.- Major General William W. Loring, C. S. Army, commanding Department of Southwestern Virginia.
No. 1. Report of Brigadier General Jacob D. Cox, U. S. Army, commanding District of the Kanawha.
Flat Top Mountain, August 8, 1862.SIR: I have the honor to report that on the morning of the 6th instant a heavy detachment of the rebel force in front, consisting of three regiments of infantry, two squadrons of cavalry, and a battery of rifled cannon, made an attack upon the detachment of my command at Pack's Ferry, near mouth of Blue Stone, or New River. My force there consists of four companies of the Twenty-third Ohio Volunteers, under Major Comly, with two mountain howitzers. The remainder of the Twenty-third Regiment, under Lieutenant-Colonel Hayes, is encamped at Green Meadows, some 8 miles from the ferry, near the forks of the road leading from Blue Stone River to Raleigh Court-House and to this camp.
The attack was evidently made for the purpose of destroying our ferry (constructed in form of flying bridge), by means of which we keep control of parts of Monroe County, and have the means of communicating with the Third Brigade, stationed at Meadow Bluffs, in Greenbrier County.
The effort of the enemy entirely failed, Major Comly preserving the ferry and holding his position without loss on our side. The attack was made from the opposite side of the river, the rebel force coming from The Narrows of New River.
On receiving news of the attack and of the size of the enemy's force, I dispatched Colonel Scammon, commanding First Brigade with the Thirtieth Ohio Volunteers and a section of McMullin's battery, to the support of the detachment at the ferry, ordering the force at Green Meadows to co-operate also. Before the re-enforcement reached the river, however, the enemy had retired, moving off rapidly on the appearance of a portion of our troops above them on this side the river.
I send herewith a copy of Colonel Scammon's report of his movement.
On same day a party of rebel cavalry made their appearance at Wyoming Court-House. A detachment of the Thirty-seventh Ohio Volunteers; but I have not yet received the report of the expedition.
Another strong reconnoitering party is out, under Lieutenant-Colonel Hines, Twelfth Ohio Volunteers, with orders to penetrate as far as possible by the ridge of Flat Top Range toward its junction with East River Mountain, in Tazewell County, to break up some stations of partisan troops of the rebels in that vicinity, and acquire such information as may be possible in regard to the present positions and forces of
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