Today in History:

132 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II

Page 132 Chapter XXIV. OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD.

No. 40.- Captain J. H. Horton, Forty-eighth Virginia Infantry.

No. 41.- Major John Seddon, First Virginia Battalion.

No. 42.- Colonel Alexander G. Taliaferro, Twenty-third Virginia Infantry, commanding Third Brigade.

No. 43.- Lieutenant Colonel James W. Jackson, Forty-seventh Alabama Infantry.

No. 44.- Lieutenant Colonel Abner A. Hughes, Forty-eighth Alabama Infantry.

No. 45.- Major Joshua Stover, Tenth Virginia Infantry.

No. 46.- Lieutenant Colonel Simon T. Walton, Twenty-third Virginia Infantry.

No. 47.- Major H. C. Wood, Thirty-seventh Virginia Infantry.

No. 48.- Lieutenant J. C. Carpenter, Carpenter's Virginia Battery.

No. 49.- Captain William T. Poague, Rockbridge (Va.) Artillery.

No. 50.- Major General Ambrose P. Hill, C. S. Army, commanding Light Division.

No. 51.- Brigadier General Charles W. Field, C. S. Army, commanding First Brigade.

No. 52.- Brigadier General James J. Archer, C. S. Army, commanding --- Brigade.

No. 53.- Brigadier General Edward L. Thomas, C. S. Army, commanding Third Brigade.

No. 54.- Brigadier General James H. Lane, C. S. Army, commanding Fourth Brigade.

No. 55.- Brigadier General L. O'B. Branch, C. S. Army, commanding --- Brigade, with extracts from his journal.

No. 56.- Colonel Leroy A. Stafford, Ninth Louisiana Infantry, commanding Second Louisiana Brigade.

No. 57.- Brigadier General William D. Pender, C. S. Army, commanding Sixth Brigade.

No. 58.- Lieutenant Colonel R. L. Walker, C. S. Army, commanding artillery battalion, Light Division.

No. 59.- Major General Richard S. Ewell, C. S. Army, commanding Third Division.

No. 60.- Brigadier General Jubal A. Early, C. S. Army, commanding Fourth Brigade.

No. 61.- Colonel James A. Walker, Thirteenth Virginia Infantry.

No. 62.- Brigadier General Isaac R. Trimble, C. S. Army, commanding Seventh Brigade.

No. 63.- Colonel Henry Forno, Fifth Louisiana Infantry, commanding Hay's (or First Louisiana) brigade.

No. 64.- Major A. R. Courtney, C. S. Army, Chief of Artillery, Third Division.

No. 65.- Captain Louis E. D'Aquin, Louisiana Guard Artillery.

No. 66.- Colonel William E. Jones, Seventh Virginia Cavalry.

Numbers 1. Report of Major General John Pope, U. S. Army, commanding the Army of Virginia, with congratulatory orders.*

Near Cedar Creek, August 10, 1862 - 5.45 a. m.

The enemy crossed the Rapidan day before yesterday, and yesterday advanced in heavy force against Culpeper. Their advance under Ewell had a very severe engagement yesterday with Banks' corps, in which the loss was heavy on both sides without decisive results. Both parties at dark occupied their original positions.

The army under my command and the whole force of Jackson confront each other, and the action has already begun. A very severe engagement will undoubtedly take place, the enemy being in very superior force and endeavoring to interpose between me and Fredericksburg. I will do the best I can, and if forced to retire will do so by way of Rappahannock Crossing. I hope, however, for better things.

So far the troops have behaved well.



H. W. HALLECK, General-in-Chief.


* See also general report, pp. 25-27.


Page 132 Chapter XXIV. OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD.