Today in History:

735 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II


ness and tact of Mr. Louis F. Terrill, volunteer aide to General Robertson, who extemporized lanyards, and with detachments from the infantry as cannoneers turned the captured guns with marked effect upon the enemy. Their general (G. W. Taylor, of New Jersey) was killed during this fire. Brigadier General Fitzhugh Lee, with the Ninth, Fourth, and Third Virginia Cavalry, was detached and sent in rear of Fairfax Court-House to damage the enemy's communication as much as possible, and if possible cut off the retreat of this party. Colonels Munford and Rosser brought up the rear of General Ewell, and that night, when Manassas was destroyed and evacuated, the cavalry brought up the rear, a portion remaining in the place until daylight. Captain pelham, arriving late, was indefatigable in his efforts to get away the captured guns, which duty was intrusted specially to him, a part of the command marching by Centreville and a part directly to the stone bridge over Bull Run. Detachments of cavalry were so arranged as to guard both flanks.

The next morning (28th) the main body of Robertson's brigade rendezvoused near Sudley Church. General Jackson's were massed between the turnpike and Sudley Ford, on Bull Run, fronting toward Manassas and Gainesville. Colonel Brien (First Virginia Cavalry) had to retire, being hard pressed by the enemy from the direction of Warrenton, and was on the turnpike covering Jackson's front toward Gainesville, and Rosser toward Manassas, where the enemy had also appeared in force early. The remainder of Lee's brigade was still detached on an expedition towards Alexandria. Early in the day a dispatch from the enemy had been intercepted, giving the order of march from warrenton toward Manassas and directing cavalry to report to General Bayard at Hay Market. I proposed to General Jackson to allow me to go up there and do what I could with the two fragments of brigades I still had. I proceeded to that point, capturing a detachment of the enemy en route. Approaching the place by a by-path, I saw indications of a large force there prepared for attack. About this time I could see the fight going on at Thoroughfare Gap, where Longstreet had his progress disputed by the enemy, and it was to establish communication with him that I was anxious to make this march. I sent a trusty man with the dispatch to the right of Hay Market. I kept up a brisk skirmish with the enemy without any result until in the afternoon, when, General Jackson having engaged the enemy, I quietly withdrew and hastened to place my command on his right flank. Not reaching General Jackson's right until dark, the fighting ceased and this command rendezvoused as before, but the cavalry under Colonel Rosser had played an important part in attacking the enemy's baggage train. Captain John Pelham's battery of Horse Artillery acted a conspicuous part on the extreme right of the battle-field, dashing forward to his position under heavy fire.

The next morning (29th), in pursuance of General Jackson's wishes, I set out again to endeavor to establish communication with Longstreet, from whom he had received a favorable report the night before. Just after leaving the Sudley road my party was fired on from the woods bordering the road, which was in rear of Jackson's lines and which the enemy had penetrated with small force, it was afterward ascertained, and captured some stragglers. They were between General Jackson and his baggage at Sudley. I immediately sent to Major [W.] Patrick, whose six companies of cavalry were near Sudley, to interpose in defense of the baggage, and use all the means at hand for its protection, and ordered the baggage at once to start for Aldie. General Jackson, also being notified of this movement in his rear, sent back infantry to clear the woods. Captain Pelham, always at the right place at the right