771 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II
Question. Do you recollect my expressing any regret at leaving that work?
Answer. Yes, sir; both in the morning and evening.
Question. State, if you can remember, what I said in regard to it.
Answer. Your exact words I cannot recollect. I recollect that in the conversation about 2 o'clock you regretted it, and I recollect that in the conversation at night you regretted it.
Question. For what reason; do you remember my reason?
Answer. Well, I cannot give the reason substantially. I recollect some of the conversation; that there had been a great deal of work done there by the men; a great deal of labor, and you desired, therefore, to remain and make a stand. There were a great many things said that I do not distinctly remember.
Question. I thought possibly you might remember two or three conversations I had with you, when I expressed a hope that we might have an opportunity to test the enemy there before our works.
Answer. I have stated that. I regard to the transportation, I will add, that my own transportation General White directed me to report at the fort for the purpose of carrying the ammunition down to the train, and my baggage was put in a heap and a guard placed over it, and brought down when it returned.
Question. Was your transportation engaged in hauling ammunition to the cars?
Answer. Yes, sir.
By the COURT:
Question. Do you know anything in regard to the position of the heavy guns at Winchester? If you do, state whether they could be removed with facility or not.
Answer. I should think not.
Question. How far were they away from the cars at the railroad?
Answer. I will state from a mere guess. I should think it was three-quarters of a mile or a mile. They were mounted in the fort on the hill.
By General WHITE:
Question. As barbette guns, or on carriages? How were they mounted; on wheels?
Answer. Yes, sir; on carriages, or whatever you call it. They were siege guns, 32-pounders; those old-fashioned guns as we had in the Mexican war, exactly.
By the COURT:
Question. Were they on wheels or carriages?
Answer. They were not on wheels, I think. I am satisfied they were not on wheels.
By General WHITE:
Question. You remember how they were gotten up then, by the big wheels?
Answer. I remember that.
Question. Do you remember how long it took to get them up in the fort from the railroad, irrespective of placing them in position?
Answer. That I cannot tell. I know it was a very slow process, and a very hard one. We were at it a long time.
Question. For several days?
Answer. Yes, sir; and I considered them very mean guns when they were there. They were tested several times, and came very near killing my regiment, in attempting to fire over it.