Today in History:

776 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II

Page 776 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV.

Question. Had you any means of information in regard to any forces of the enemy being in that vicinity?

Answer. I had not, only by rumor; I believe I was not outside the picket lines.

Question. Did you hear from any reliable source anything of any large force on that day or shortly before?

Answer. No, sir; I did not.

Question. Was all the transportation connected with your command loaded to its utmost capacity with public property?

Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. Was this the case with the regiment to which you were attached, so far as you observation extended?

Answer. Yes, sir; I think everything was transported belonging to the regiment.

Question. Was the line formed regularly on the turnpike, and proper disposition made of the artillery, cavalry, and infantry before moving at all?

Answer. I think so. I know nothing in regard to the rear, because I took my position, according to order, in the rear of the Sixtieth Ohio, which was the first regiment of infantry in the advance.


Question. Do you know anything in regard to the amount of public property destroyed there?

Answer. I have no knowledge of that.

Question. It did not come under your observation?

Answer. No, sir; I was not close to the fortifications. I was outside of them, and moved out according to orders.

Question. And went direct to Harper's Ferry?

Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. So far as the evacuation came under your observation, it was conducted orderly and quietly?

Answer. In a very quiet manner; everything was quiet and orderly when I moved out.

By the COURT:

Question. Did you save everything belonging to your battery?

Answer. Everything except a few old ammunition chests. I had got new ammunition chests from the arsenal: I think there were eight to ten that I had no conveyance for.

Question. Was all the ammunition taken out of them?

Answer. All except a little; except some damaged ammunition.

Question. Do you know how many pieces of artillery were left behind?

Answer. I do not.

Question. Or how much ammunition was left behind?

Answer. I do not. I had no means of knowing.

Question. How long do you think it would have taken to have dismounted those large 32-pounders and taken them to the cars?

Answer. I should think it might have been done in ten or twelve hours; perhaps it would have taken longer. I helped bring them up from the depot; we were a whole night bringing up the guns, and there were some other things brought up during the day. I should think that twelve or fifteen or fifteen hours probably would have been sufficient.

Page 776 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV.