782 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II
Page 782 | OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV. |
Lieutenant HENRY M. BINNEY, called by General White, and sworn and examined as follows:
By General WHITE:
Question. Where were you when the evacuation of Winchester took place?
Answer. At Harper's Ferry.
Question. You have no knowledge of the circumstances which attended that evacuation?
Answer. I know that at 10 o'clock the night previous to the evacuation we received a telegram, I think from General Halleck, or the War Department, or somewhere, that General White had been ordered to abandon Winchester and fall back to Harper's Ferry.
Question. Did Colonel Miles, or any other officer there, make a movement with a view of supplying means of transportation for General White?
Answer. We had troops along on the Winchester road, with property, &c.; a regiment of cavalry and a regiment of infantry; Colonel Miles answered that if Winchester should be evacuated, he would have to contract his lines, and withdraw his troops from the road. He issued orders to that effect to the different companies along on the road, to concentrate and come in; I think, but I am not certain, that Colonel Miles received an application from General White for cars.
Question. At what hour?
Answer. The next morning, at any rate, he ordered me to go out and see Mr. Smith and Mr. Dougherty, who had charge of the trains there, and ascertain if there were any cars. We could find but four cars, which were sent up in two different trains; one started on ahead and got as far as Wadesville, and the other one was to stop at Cameron Station. I could not get any cars. I do not know whether Colonel Miles designated-but I suppose he did-to send up cars to General White; there were but four box-cars there; there was no engine except some little grasshopper engines that were in the yard there; there were two large camel engines on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, but they could not run on the Winchester road; the bridges would not support them.
Question. These cars were sent up the next morning, after the evacuation tool place?
Answer. Yes, sir.
By General WHITE:
Question. Where were they sent?
Answer. Two to Wadesville, I think, and two to Cameron Station, to bring back the troops of Colonel Miles, and withdraw their baggage.
Question. There was no attempt made to send cars up to Winchester?
Answer. No, sir; we had no cars to send up.
Question. You think General White had requested, on the night previous, that transportation should be sent?
Answer. Yes, sir; Colonel Miles told me to go out and find the yardmaster, and get all the cars there were there, and he sent me back the second time to ask Mr. Smith if there were not some empty cars at Sandy Hook, for what purpose he did not state. I suppose to sent up to Winchester.
Question. Did the agent of transportation state that he could furnish none?
Answer. There were none there. I went down to Sandy Hook, and there were none there. I came back and went to see Mr. Dougherty, and there of these four cars that were sent were loaded with some stuff and lying on the track. They were old cars, and
Page 782 | OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV. |