Today in History:

814 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II

Page 814 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV.

Numbers 3. Return of casualties in the Fourth Brigade, Jackson's division, at the battles of August 28-30.

[Compiled from nominal lists of casualties, returns, &c.

Killed Wounded

Command Officers Enlisted Officers Enlisted

men men

1st Louisiana 3 12 2 31

2nd Louisiana 4 32 7 76

9th Louisiana ..... 23 9 61

10th Louisiana 3 12 5 37

15th Louisiana 4 17 7 34

Total 14 96 30 239

Command Enlisted Aggregate Remarks


captured or


Captain R. W.

Armisteaed and

Lieuts. J. P.

Connolly and F. L.

1st Louisiana ..... 48 Fortier killed

Lieuts. N. W.

Bosworth, T. H.

Waddill, E. J.

Miles, and S. H.

2nd Louisiana ..... 119 Quarles killed

9th Louisiana ..... 93

Major W. H.

Spencer, Captain

J. A. Cohen, and

10th Louisiana 3 60 Lieutenant E.

Janin killed


[R. A.] Wilkinson,

Captain S. W.

Spencer and Lieuts.

C. P. Miller and R.

15th Louisiana 3 65 H. Simmons, killed

Total 6 385

Numbers 4. Confederate Roll of Honor.


Numbers 93.
Richmond, Va., November 22, 1862.

I. The following acts of Congress, having been approved by the President, are published for the information of the Army:

* * * * * * *

Numbers 27.-AN ACT to authorize the grant of medals and badges of distinction as a reward for courage and good conduct on the field of battle.

The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to bestow medals, with proper devices, upon such officers of the armies of the Confederate States as shall be conspicuous for courage and good conduct on the field of battle; and also to confer a badge of distinction upon one private or non-commissioned officer of each company after every signal victory it shall have assisted to achieve. The non-commissioned officers and privates of the company who may be present on the first dress-parade thereafter may choose, by a majority of their votes, the soldier best entitled to receive such distinction, whose name shall be communicated to the President by commanding officers of the company; and if the award fall upon a deceased soldier, the badge thus awarded him shall be delivered to his widow; or, if there be no widow, to any relative the President may adjudge entitled to receive it.

Approved October 13, 1862.

* * * * * * *

By order:


Adjutant and Inspector General.

Page 814 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV.