Today in History:

818 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II

Page 818 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV.


2nd Cavalry.-Captain Charles C. Walters, killed August 18; Lieutenant Frederick Compton, killed August 29.

5th Infantry.-Liet. Edward O. Wright, died of wounds received August 30.

13th Infantry.-Captain Charles H. Savage and Lieutenant William Getting, killed August 30.

17th Infantry.-Lieutenant James Reed, killed August 30.

21th Infantry.-Captain Jeremiah P. Washburn and Lieutenant William L. Whitney, killed August 30.

22nd Infantry.-Lieutenant Colonel Gorton T. Thomas, died of wounds received August 30; Lieutenant Charles B. Piersons, died of wounds received August 29; Captain Robert E. McCoy and Lieutenant Carlisle D. Beaumont, killed August 29; Captain Miles P. S. Cadwell, Lieuts. William T. Beattee, Duncan Lendrum, and William T. Norris, killed August 30.

24th Infantry.-Major Andrew J. Barney, Captain John P. Buckley, and Lieutenant Henry B. Corse, killed August 30; Lieutenant Ten Eyck G. Pawling, killed August 29; Lieutenant James A. Brown, died of wounds received August 30.

30th Infantry.-Lieutenant Philip Rice, killed August 29; Lieutenant William Morse, killed August 30; Lieutenant Francis Dargen, died of wounds received August 29.

38th Infantry.-Captain Oliver A. Tilden, killed September 1.

41st Infantry.-Lieutenant Richard Kurz, killed August 30.

46th Infantry.-Captain George Hoesterreich, killed August 29.

54th Infantry.-Lieuts. Adolph Beer and Emil Haberkorn, killed August 30.

74th Infantry.-Capts. Robert D. Andrews and Edmund A. Harrison, killed August 27; Lieutenant Rudolf N. Anderson, died of wounds received August 27.

76th Infantry.-Lieutenant Richard Williams, died of wounds received August 29.

80th Infantry.-Captain Peletiah Ward, died of wounds received August 30; Lieutenant John R. Horner, killed August 30.

84th Infantry.-Capts. George R. Davey and George Mallory, killed August 29.

97th Infantry.-Captain Richard Jones, died of wounds received August 30; Lieutenant Dwight S. Faville, killed August 30.

102nd Infantry.-Captain Julius Spring, killed August 9

104th Infantry.-Lieutenant John P. Rudd, killed August 30.


16th Infantry.-Lieuts. John H. Kinsey and J. N. Rector, killed August 29.

18th Infantry.-Lieutenant Laurence Stewart, killed September 1; Lieutenant Frederick J. Moore, died of wounds received August 9.

34th Infantry.-Lieutenant Franklin Long, killed September 1.

37th Infantry.-Lieuts. G. Batie and William M. Green, killed August 29.


7th Infantry.-Lieuts. James P. Brisbine, Frank Johnson, and Joseph H. Ross, killed August 9.

66th Infantry.-Lieutenant Duncan A. McDonald, died of wounds received August 9.

Page 818 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV.