166 Series I Volume XII-III Serial 18 - Second Manassas Part III
Page 166 | OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV. |
striking him in the right eyebrow and killing him almost instantly. at the same time Henderson was shot in the right shoulder near the joint, inflicting a dangerous and very sever wound. After the death of Lieutenant Newman the rebels took his sword, revolver, watch, coat, cap, and what money he had on his person, also his horse and the descriptive list of his detachment, his instructions, and turned his pockets inside out.
I passed through the town of Wyoming and stopped at the house of Mr. Isaac Cook, 2 miles beyond the Court-House, for supper and to rest for the night, sending the cavalry a short distance below, where the horses could have forage. My party now consisted of 9, including myself, I having found 3 of the privates of the detachment, having in charge a prisoner taken from Dick Straton.
About 11 o'clock at night a son of Mr. Jacob Cook had made his escape from a party of rebel cavalry, consisting of two companies, under command of Herndon. We immediately started for Huff's Creek, having heard that part of our men were on that creek, under command of First Sergt. James B. Ballard, and had two engagements with Straton's cavalry and Morgan's bushwhackers.
I got within 2 miles of the mouth of the creek and found a portion of our men, together with some Union men. I there learned that Sergeant Ballard and 8 of the privates, with 17 Union men, had pursued Straton 3 miles below the Buffalo Creek and 6 miles below where I then was. I went on to the Mouth of buffalo and received a dispatch signed J. M., telling me that Straton was being re-enforced by Morgan and Barney Carter.
I expected to be pursued by Herndon, and sent a messenger, Miss Lottie Browning, to Sergeant Ballard, directing him to the Mouth of Buffalo at once, Buffalo Creek being an open passway to the Pond Fork of Little Coal River.
Next morning Sergeant Ballard united with me. The messenger did not convey a very intelligible message, and he felt some apprehension that we were rebel cavalry, and had got the clothing of some of our soldiers yet in the neighborhood of Wyoming Court-House. The country was in great alarm, and the rebels committed a number of outrages, killing a young man named Cyrus Elkins and arresting Union men and in stealing horses and cattle.
an expedition had started from Camp Piatt via Logan to unite with me at the Mouth of buffalo, together with the Union men of Wyoming County and the surrounding country, but failed to unite with us. I immediately sent a messenger to Colonel Gilbert for a re-enforcement, and did not receive any. I then sent to Colonel Scammon at Raleigh for assistance, and did not get it. My men were scattered, 19 of them being on Rockcastle Creek, Wyoming County, and Beyond the Court-House, and I had no way to reach them. I sent a messenger to them, directing them to come to Brownstown, where I would wait for them.
I remained four days of Buffalo and four days on the Pond Fork at Jasper Workman's, and then marched to this place, and have waited for them up to the present time.
In the two affairs with Straton our men killed 2 of Straton's men and wounded 1 in the knee and shot Straton's horse. Straton reported to Mr. Nelson Ballard, of Logan, that his loss in missing was 6, and also that he was penned up and was willing to surrender. In the two engagements of the 23rd of April we did not have a man wounded, and but one ball passed through the clothing of one private.
In a little affair that took place the day of the election at the Mouth
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