84 Series I Volume XLIII-I Serial 90 - Shenandoah Valley Campaign Part I
Page 84 | OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., MD., AND PA. Chapter LV. |
Second Cavalry Division.
August 1.-Division marched after General McCausland and attacked him at Moorefield, W. Va., August 7, defeating him, with loss to the enemy of 150 killed and wounded, 500 prisoners, 678 horses, 4 guns and caissons, with all his wagons. Returned, via New Creek, Hancock, and Cherry Run, to Martinsburg.
August 18.-Marched to Stepherdstown, Va.
August 20.-Marched to Fairplay, Md.
August 26.-Marched to Hagerstown, Md.
August 29.-Marched to Martinsburg, W. Va.
August 31.-Attacked in Martinsburg, W. Va., by Rodes' division of infantry and forced to retire to Falling Waters, W. Va.
October 1.-At Mount Crawford; thence to Harrisonburg and Luray Court-House (4th), collecting cattle.
October 9.-Moved to Front Royal; made a reconnaissance to Milford and attacked Imboden at that place with no decided result.
October 19.-First Brigade was posted on Catlett's Ford road, Second Brigade on Fort Royal pike; retired with small loss and took part in the attack of the evening.
October 20.-Returned to Front Royal and encamped.
November 1.-The division was encamped at Guard Hill, Va., making reconnaissance to Milford and up the Luray Valley; made a reconnaissance through Chester Gap to Rectortown and Middleburg, returning through Upperville and Ashby's Gap; captured and brought in 300 head of cattle and 200 sheep.
November 11.-Headquarters at Camp Russell, Va.
November 12.-Attacked Lomax's division of cavalry near Nineveh, Va., and routed it, capturing 19 officers, 189 enlisted men, 2 guns, 2 caissons, 2 battle-flags, 4 wagons, 1 ambulance, 145 horses, and a large number of small-arms; drove the enemy across Shenandoah River; lost Captain Prendergast, provost-marshal, and 1 private, Twenty-first New York Cavalry, killed, and 7 wounded.
November 13.-Returned to camp.
November 21.-Made reconnaissance with Third Division to Rude's Hill.
November 22.-Attacked enemy's cavalry and infantry at that place, but were forced to retire, with loss.
November 23.-Returned to camp.
November 24.-Camp attacked by Mosby, who was repulsed, with loss.
[December.]-Division stationed at Camp Russell, Va.
December 19.-Moved with First Division, via Chester Gap, Sperryville, and Madison Court-House, to Liberty Mills, near Gordonsville; attacked the enemy at that place; drove him across Robertson's River, and crossing at a ford above Liberty Mills attacked again in flank, forcing the enemy to retire by night, leaving his artillery on the field; retired the next day via Madison Court-House, Warrenton, and Ashby's Gap, repulsing attacks of guerrillas and capturing all sheep, cattle, &c., found; found the road at Ashby's Gap filled with torpedoes, which were taken up.
December 31.-Went into camp near Winchester, Va.
Page 84 | OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., MD., AND PA. Chapter LV. |