Today in History:

85 Series I Volume XVIII- Serial 26 - Suffolk


10 before we were in column. The nature of the roads for a few miles out from New Berne was such that out progress was quite slow. We arrived, however, at the camp assigned us, on the Trent road, at about 8 p.m.

Friday (12th) we marched through the day, the roads through the swamps gradually growing worse, the train being constantly delayed, until 10 p.m. I had before leaving camp in the morning ordered Colonel Richmond, of the Third Regiment, to detail five companies from his regiment to march beside the wagons and assist the teamsters. Just before dark I ordered the remaining five to fall back and assist in the same under, as the roads in many places were almost impassable.

Saturday (13th) were in column and moving by 8 o'clock, having, by order from General Foster, detailed the Third Regiment, with a corps of pioneers, to march as the day before and assist the train. Arriving about 10 o'clock at a cross-road, up which the main body had passed, the Forty-sixth regiment, with a section of Lee's battery, was left so posted as to command the approach from the main road to Kinston. We arrived soon after at a field near a creek within a few miles of Kinston, where the advance had met and driven back a body of the enemy. We encamped here for the night, and dealt out to the men two days' rations and 20 rounds extra of ammunition.

Sunday (14th) leaving the Fifth Regiment to guard the baggage train, we moved up the Kinston road, the Forty-sixth falling into their position in line as we came, they having been, by order of General Foster, moved up from the post where they had been left and occupied one near us through the night. We soon heard firing from the front and learned that the advance had met the enemy near Kinston. When we arrived we found General Wessells' and Colonel Amory's brigades engaged and Colonel Stevenson's drawn up in two lines, supporting Belger's battery and one of the Third New York Artillery. We were soon ordered to relieve Colonel Stevenson's drawn up in two lines, supporting Belger's battery and one of the Third New York Artillery. We were soon ordered to relieve Colonel Stevenson's command, which moved forward, we occupying their position. While here the enemy retreated and we went forward into Kinston, encamping for the night.

Monday (15th) we were the third in column, General Wessells having charge of the train, following the First and Second Brigades. We recrossed the river, marched through the day, and encamped about 8 o'clock.

Tuesday (16th) we were not fairly out of camp when firing was heard in advance of us. We moved on as rapidly as possible and found the First Brigade engaged with the enemy at White Hall. The Second Brigade was soon ordered to the front, and we, under orders from General Foster, moved immediately on toward Goldsborough, having, as we passed, 3 men wounded, leaving a small detachment of the Twenty-fifth and Forty-sixth Regiments as sharpshooters. We encamped at sundown about 8 miles below Goldsborough.

Wednesday (17th) we were early in line. Colonel Heckman, with the Seventeenth Massachusetts and Ninth New Jersey acting as skirmishers, we moved forward and came within sight of the Wilmington Railroad.

About 11 o'clock a small body of the enemy could be seen upon a hill-side near by. Riggs' battery was put in position and a few shells thrown among them, when they disappeared. We immediately advanced. The Twenty-fifth and Twenty-seventh Regiments were moved forward in line on the left, the battery supported by the Third and Forty-sixth upon the right, the Fifth, which had now come up with us, remaining in column. Emerging from the wood I found Colonel Heckman