Today in History:

134 Series I Volume XVIII- Serial 26 - Suffolk


The rebel loss must have been more than ours, judging from the indications of the field and roads and from the fact that 1,140 rounds of shot and shell were thrown from our batteries. Thirteen prisoners fell into our hands.

The Thirteenth Indiana is spoken of in very flattering terms; also the Sixty-ninth, One hundred and fifty-fifth, and One hundred and thirtieth New York.

The demoralization of the One hundred and sixty-seventh Pennsylvania, already spoken of, undoubtedly arose from a complication of unfavorable circumstances rather than from any determination to disobey orders. It had never been under fire, its position at the head of the column near the artillery (exposed to the enemy's fire for near two hours in the darkness without being engaged), and the fact that the colonel was desperately wounded and the lieutenant-colonel and major unhorsed were considerations well calculated to create temporary confusion. From this it recovered, and no complaint was made during the subsequent operations. This regiment should avail itself of the earliest opportunity to wipe out any suspicion that may have attached to its conduct at the Deserted House.

General Corcoran speaks in high commendation of Colonel Foster, of the Thirteenth Indiana, in command of the infantry; of Colonel Spear, commanding the cavalry; of Captain Follett, senior officer of artillery, and of Surgeon Hand, medical director. These are all officers of rare merit, who have won high reputation by their bravery, prudence, and fidelity.

Lieutenant-Colonel Dobbs and Thorp; Captain Davis, Lieutenants Hartwell, Devoll,and McCurdy (Seventh Massachusetts Battery); Lieutenants Whitney and Wilkeson (Fourth Artillery); Surgeons Dwyer and Nolan, Assistant Surgeons Spencer and Fawcett, Quartermaster Cooke, Captain Blodgett (assistant adjutant-general),and Aide-de-Camp Tracey, Hughes, and Winterbotham are particularly noticed for zeal, gallantry, and good conduct.

The troops that joined during the day are deserving of credit for the alacrity with which they responded to the call of duty.

The wounded, in kind and skillful hands, are doing well. Especial praise is due them for unflinching courage on the field and patient endurance of suffering.

The dead fell in the performance of high and stern duties assumed in behalf of a country menaced by the most cruel and wicked rebellion recorded in history. Nobly have they discharged all obligations, leaving bright examples of valor and fidelity for their fellow-soldiers and countrymen. Their families and friends have the deepest sympathies of the American people, and the precious and enduring recollections that their blood was poured out in the defense of constitutional liberty.

The artillery of the enemy equaled ours, while he had a chosen position and choice of ground in his retrograde movement. A flank move early in the day would probably have been decisive, and the victory full and complete. The action was prematurely brought on by the advance some two hours before daylight, during which time the usual supply of battery ammunition was nearly exhausted and the temper of the troops severely tried. Delays ensued and the enemy commenced his retreat.

Under all the circumstances it was a handsome affair, and the enemy will long remember his losses, disappointment, and narrow escape from capture.