9 Series I Volume LI-II Serial 108 - Supplements Part II
greatly in the convention and out of it since the convention convened. I am sanguine that my presence here, coupled with my strong testimony in favor of the stability of the new power, will be productive of good results; but upon that point I am not yet prepared to speak with sufficient fullness. Soon I shall be able to write to Mr. Toombs what I hope will be satisfactory intelligence. I have intimated that I have come to recruit for the Confederate Army, and the intimation has been most favorably received. Would it comport with your views to send me and order to recruit in the border slave States generally or in Virginia especially? I would afford a cover and explanation of my visit to Richmond and would be crowned with success, for I hear that there is a good deal of loose material here which might be gathered into our army. If this suggestion meets your approval to furnish me with the requisite instructions and means for my guidance and use. I will repeat, in conclusion, that I am most sanguine of being able soon to communicate to your Government satisfactory inteligence.
I have the honor to be, your most obedient servant.
WASHINGTON, D. C., March 28, 1861.
SIR: The undersigned had the honor to make application through the Honorable L. T. Wigfall for the enrollment into the army of the Confederate States of America of the National Volunteers of this city. The undersigned has been led to believe that Your Excellency yould be glad to enroll the said company, but for certain objections which might not be insuperable, and he has therefore taken the liberty to call your attention to the application once more. This organization is not composed solely of citizens of this District, but has within its numbers many citizens of the Confederate States, bound fast here by poverty and other inabilities. Its members are denounced as traitors, are the constant objects of the espionage of the military authoritie of them have been discharged from employment, all because they have lifted their voices in behalf of Southern rights. Yet they have persevered in their organization and endevored to perfect themselves in drill and discipline, that they might effectually aid the cause they love with sometingh more than word. If it would secure their acceptance they would leave the captaincy of the corps vacant, to be filled by the Government of the Confederate States of America. They will also agree to raise 100 men here, all of the best material, and will give such guarantees as to the character, and ability of the officers as shall be entirely satisfactory. Or should these terms still be unacceptable, will you be kind enough to state if there are any terms upon which we might be accepted? Should our demands for service in the Southern Confederacy seem inportunate, I hope you will see in the trouble we may have given only an ardent desire to serve our native South, and should we be ultimately accepted we will endeavor to do good service.
With respect, your obedient servant,
Of Florida, First Lieutenant National Volunteers.