Today in History:

45 Series I Volume LI-II Serial 108 - Supplements Part II


or cannon or any other contraband of war except the above-mentioned gun carriages. Flag-Officer Pendergrast exhibited the manifest of the captured schooner, showing that she was the schooner George M. Smith, of Brook Haven, conn., of 171 tons burden, and that she had cleared from the port of New Yourk for the port of Willmington, N. C., on the 2nd day of April, 1861; that several vessels recently arriving in Hampton Roads and bound into Nortfolk and Richmond had applied to him for advice as to what course they should pursue; that he had advised such vessels, in writing, to prooced to some Northern port and there take further advise from their consignees. He specified the vessels to which he had given such advice, viz: The schooner Sarah Jane, of Marblehead, Mass.; schooner Ann Colby, of Bucksport, Me., and the schooner Grapeshot, to Bucksport, Me. He further stated, in answer to inquiries made by the undersigned, that he had not captured or arrested any other vessels except the steam-tug Young America and the schooner George M. Smith, above mentioned; that he did not know whether he would have permitted the vessels (the schooners Sarah Jane, Ann Colby, and Grapeshot, above mentioned) to go up to Nortfolk if they had requested permision to do so; that he certainly would not have permitted them if they had on board any munitions of war; that he declined to say whether vessels not having articles contraband of war on board and desiring to proceed through Hampton Roads to Notfolk or Richmond would be permitted by him to do so; that he had not made up his upon that subject, but expected further orders from Washington on that point to-morrow morning; that the schooner George M. Smith was then under the guns of the frigate Cumberland Monroe. The above is the substance of all that was said by Flag-Officer Pendergrast during the interview relating to the subject-matter of the flag of truce, as far as we can recollect. This memorandum was made the sme day, April 25, 1861.


Colonel and Aide-de-Camp.


Captain, Virginia Navy.


Colonel and Aide-de-Camp.


NORTFOLK, April 26, 1861.

Major General ROBERT E. LEE:

GENERAL: Accompanying this dispatch please find a communication from Francis J. Thomas, colonel and adjutant-general Maryland forces.

Be pleased to communicate to me your desire in the premises.

By order of Walter Gwynn, major-general, commanding forces in Nortfolk Harbor:

I have the honor to be, general, your obedient servant.




NORTFOLK, April 26, 1861.

Major-General GWYNN,

Commanding Virginia Forces, Nortfolk:

GENERAL: Having felt it best to alter my plans with reference to the transportation of my heavy ordnance to Baltimore, I take pleasure