Today in History:

723 Series I Volume XXXVIII-I Serial 72 - The Atlanta Campaign Part I


were shelled very heavily by the rebels August 5. Very near all the regiment (about ninety men) was on the skirmish line in the advance on the 7th of August. Our loss was 1 enlisted man killed, 16 enlisted men wounded, 3 of whom have since died. Was on the second line of battle in the charge on the 1st of September until near dark when we were placed on the first line. Loss, 1 enlisted man killed, 1 commissioned officer and 8 enlisted men wounded, besides 1 enlisted man wounded by the explosion of a box of ammunition in the ordnance train.

Total casualties-2 enlisted men killed, 1 commissioned officer and 26 enlisted men wounded.


Lieutenant Colonel, Commanding 110th Illinois Infty. Vols.


Actg. Asst. Adjt. General, 3rd Brigadier, 2nd Div., 14th Army Corps.

Numbers 144.

Report of Captain George W. Cook, One hundred and twenty-fifth Illinois Infantry.

Atlanta, Ga., September 7, 1864.

SIR: In compliance with orders, I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by this command in the recent campaign, from its commencement, in May, until its arrival at Atlanta, on the 4th instant:

In order for me to make this report nearly accurate I must depend mainly upon the notes of Colonel O. F. Harmon and Lieutenant Colonel James W. Langley, respectively, commanders of the regiment from the commencement of the campaign until the 1st day of the present month, when the command fell to me. Forming a part of the Third Brigade, Second Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, this regiment, commanded by Colonel O. F. Harmon, numbering 449 effective men, left Lee and Gordon's Mills, Ga., on the 3rd day of May last, where it had been doing, in connection with the brigade commanded by Colonel Daniel McCook outpost duty, and marched to Ringgold, where it joined the division then commanded by Brigadier General Jefferson C. Davis. After a day or two of rest at the last-named placed the forward march was resumed and continued in until we faced the enemy before Buzzard Roost. On the road to this point we skirmished with the retreating foe at different points. At Buzzard Roost we were most of the time during several days actively engaged with the enemy's skirmishers, but lost no men. The regiment participated in the flank movement through Snake Creek Gap, which move gain Buzzard Roost. This march was long and tedious, but was borne by all cheerfully and without complaint. At Resaca we met the enemy and were engaged actively with him. The regiment occupied a temporary line of works immediately in front of and but a few hundred yards from the works of the opposing forces. Here, as in previous instances, every man did his duty, until the flight of the enemy from Resaca, on the night of the 14th [15th] of May, opened on the following morning a few field of labor. An expedition to Rome, Ga., was fitted out for our division, and on the morning of the 15th [16th] the regiment was detailed with one section of Battery I, Second Illinois Artillery, to command and guard the division supply