Today in History:

23 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


Corps. Upon hearing the fire he rode rapidly toward the left of the army. I rode at the same time in that direction, but learning from an officer, whom I met, that an attck was being made in force, I returned to my corps. A short time afterward Lieutenant- Colonel Strong brought me an order from General McPherson to send a brigade to fill the interval between the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Corps. I sent the Third Brigade, of the First Division, Colonel Wngelin commanding. In the mean time General McPherson had reached the field of operations. In riding across the interval to Giles A. Smith's division, General McPherson was killed by the enemy's skirmishers. The rebel force, Hardee's corps, advancing rapidly, forced back the pickets of Giles A. Smith's division, ad struck the left flank exactly perpendicularlly to his line of battle. At the same time a heavy fire was opened from batteries posted on a ridge in their rear, the fire being directed upon the rear of the Seventeenth Corps. Simultaneously with this attack the enemy emerged from the timber, in front ad to the right of the Sixteenth Corps, in three columns. It was evident that the movement was intended to stricke the Seventeenth Corps on the flank and rear at the same time, and that the rebel commander was not aware of the presence of General Sweeny's division in that partof the field. Generl Dodge had at the first skirmishing put his Second Division, with two batteries of artillery, into line of battle, with Fuller's brigade on its right. The enemy moved upon the rear and right of the command of General Dodge. This movement exposed the flank of the enemy's column. Generla Dodge at once pushed forward livered so destructive a fire on the enemy's flank that his column gave way. A charge was made, and the enemy fell back to the woods. General Dodge then withdrew his line a short distance to the rear. Colonel Wangelin's brigade, of the Fifteenth Corps, about this time came up on the double- quick, and was at once engaged witht he head of a column of the enemy through the interval between the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Corps in the rear of Leggett's division. Wnagelin, although his brigade was small, threw it into line of battle, and, moving under a heavy fire, steadily pushed the enemy back and gained a slight elevation of ground, and construcred a breast- work of rails. The Second Brigade, of the Fourth Division, Fifteenth Corps, was on the right of General Leggett's division, of the Seventeenth Corps. Being satisfied, from the direction of the firing, that the enemy was pushing a column through the interval before mentioned as well as by the movement of wagons and artillery from that direction, General Wlcutt, comanding the brigade, changed his front to the left rear. The peared in its front. The brigade became at once engaged, and repulsed the advancing line. The enemy freormed and attacked the division of General Leggett. This gave GenerlWlacutt an enfilding fire upon them, which he made very effective by opening fire from a section of 24- pounder howitzers, belonging to the Seventeenth Corps. A 20- pounder howitzers, belonging to the SeventeenthCorps, which had been abandoned, was retaken by the Forty- sixth tacked on the flank ad rear, was at once moved to the opposite side of their works. Its flank was partially driven in, and the enemy, by the rapidity of his assault and the heavy force with which