Today in History:

26 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


part halting in a ravine between the two lines, some, however retreating to the old line. Battery A and the 20- pounder guns of Battery H, First Illinois Artillery, were leftin the hands of the enemy. The offices and men of both batteries fought with the greatest gallantry, serving their guns while they were surrounded by the enemy. At that time I was giving orders to General Dodge, having just ridden to his left, where General Cox's division, of the Twenty- third Corps, fo r which I had asked, had gone into position, covering the Decatur road. The command of General Dodge was not engage. Captain Wheeler, of my staff, informed me of the disaster to the Fifteenth Corps. I ordered Colonel Martin to move at doubly- quick back to his division, and also orderd General Dodge to send abeigade of the Sixteenth Corps to the assistance of the right of our line, at the same time directing him that in the event he needed support, to call upon General Cox, commanding the division of the Twenty- third Corps on his left. The Second Brigade of the Second Division of the Sixteenth Corps, Colonel Mersy commanding, moved promptly out, and I conducted it to the rear of the old works of the Second Division of the Fifteenth Army Corps, wheere it deployed on the right of the railroad, When I arrived, General Morgan L. Smith and General Lightburn were reforming the lines of the Second Division,in a ravine between the two lines of works. I ordered General Smith, so soon as he could reform his lines, to retake the position and the batteries which had been lost. General Woods, commanding the First Divisin, which was on the right of the Second Division, finding his position untenable, the enemy occupying a position 300 or 400 yards to his left and rear, threw back his left and rear, forming a line facing the enemy's flank, his right resting at the Howard house. At the same time, Major Landgreaber, chief of artillery of the First Division, who had six guns in position, moved them into the open field and opened fire upon the enemy, compelling him to seek shelter, killing the horses of De Gress' battery, and preventing the enemy from removing the guns. General Woods then moved his First Brigade forward, attacking the enemy in flank and rear, and his Second Brigade attking the enemy in flank and rear, and his Second Brigade attacking in flank and front. At the same time the Second Division, followed at a short distance by Colonel Mersy's brigade, advanced upon the enemy's front. The movement was successful. Woods' division striking the enemy's flank, it began to break, and soon afterwarsd the Second Division charging his front, the line of works, De Gress' battery, and 2 guns of Battery A were recaptured. General Woods swung his left around, and the whole line of the First and Second Divisions was reoccupied with no oppostion, except a fierce assault upon the Fourth Iowa, which was repulsed.

While this was occurring on the center and right of the Fifteenth Corps, the enemy appeared in the rear of Colonel Williams' (First) brigade, of the Fourth Division. Being threatened in front and rear, Colonel Williams retired his brigade to the lines held in t emorning. Colonel Oliver withdrew the Third Brigade. major Hotaling, of lmy staff, ordered General Harrow to retake the position which had been abandoned. The line was reoccupied about the same time with the reoccupation of the works of the Second Division. It was now nearly 5 o'clock, and, with the exception of two regiments' front on the extreme left, the whole of the main line of the Army of the Tennessee was in its possession, notwithstanding the repeated and desperate assaults of the enemy. His last and final efforts were made upon the Fourth Division of the Seventeenth