Today in History:

43 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


referred to was suspended. In General Sherman's telegram of the 17th he says: "I will not move our infantry, but break the Macon road all to pieces with our cavalry." From this I judge that had our cavalry succeeded to his expectation the infantry movement would not have been made; but this was not the case, as the enemy was able to repair the damage done by our cavalry in a few days, while he remained still in possession of Atlanta. It was determined to make the trial to commence during the night of the 25th. Major- General Thomas inaugurated the movement without loss or serious difficulty. During Thursday night and Friday morning he had massed hes command beyond my position I had previously prepared a new left flank along the right near Ezra Church. General Ransom's corps (Sixteenth) was retired, marching in conjunction with General Thomas. During the night of the 26th theis army withdrew in two columns, General Ransom's corps constituting the rear guard.

The enemy seemed aware of our withdrawing during its progress, and opened on us with artillery and considerable skirmish- firing, but, providentially, we had bt one casualty, one poor fellow losing his leg by a round shot. Major- General Logan pursued an inner route, via Utoy, to Camp Creek. Major- General Blair, followed by General Ransom, moved to the same place, via Lick Skillet and Dry Pond. Early in the morning of the 27th command went into position near Camp Creek. Brigadier- General Kilpatrick, with his cavalry division, encamped on a road to our right. On the 28th General Kilpatrick, as early as 6 a. m., moved out and cleared our front and right of rtebel cavarly as far as the West Point railroad. The command started at 7 a. m., in two columns, per "Sideling" or New Hope Church. General Blair, followed by General Ransom, took a main traveled road, excepting for a short distance at the start, when he cut a new one. Major- General Logan, followed by the trains, cut a new road parallel to the other or the most part of the way. Some cannonading was heard while we were en route, and some rebel scouting parties encountered our left flank. An attempt was made by the rebel cavalry to drive Kilpatrick back from the railroad, but he drove back the nemy and held the positon.

About 12 m. the columns arrived and went into a position covering the railroad, the Fifteenth Corps on the left, Seventeenth on the right, and the Sixteenth in reserve. Trains came up rapidly and parked. Generals Logan and Blair intrenched their position in a short time, an spent the rest of the day and part of the night in tearing up the railroad. The 29th the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Corps remained in position, using part of their troops in completing the destruction of the railroad to the left and right of our position. General Ransom moved hes corps below Firburn and destroyed the road till he met the party of the Seventeenth Corps. The work was remarkably well done throughout, the rails bent double or broken, ties burnt, and in front of the Fifteenth Corps and Seventeenth cuts filled up with earth, rocks, trunks of trees, and other rubbish. General Kilpatrick meanwhile wathced the enemy's cavalry on the different roads, and co- operated with us in guarding the approaches. Our picket- line connected with that of General Thomas at Red Oak Station. The 30th the army moved in two columns, starting at 7 a. m. General Ransom, followed by General Blair, took a road to the right