Today in History:

45 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


tired, still the Fifteenth Corps covred its front with a good line of breast- works before resting. The Sixteenth Corps was placed in position west of the Flint River facing south. The Seventeenth did not arrive till morning, when it was placed on the same side the river facing toward the northeast. At daylight General Logan recctified his lines, extending them to the right and rear. The Sixteenth Corps bridged the river on the right and formed its lines, connecting substantially with the Fifteenth Corps. The Seventeenth constructed a bridge opposite the left,and the Fifttent another in the center. General Osterhaus had taken paricular pains to locate a battery supported by infantry quite in advance of his main line, bearing upon the railroad some 700 or 800 yards distant. Other batteries in the main line were well located. During the night the enemy was pushing his force by cars and otherwise to Jonesborough. I was making preparations to make a reconnaissance in forc at 4 p. m., and had given orders accordingly.

I had really expected an attack all day on account of the saucy position we occupied since our artillery, land even muskerty reached the enemy's pricipal line of communication. I was not, therefore, at all surprised when, about 3 p. m., a heavy assault was made, extending all along the Fifteenth Corps, and one division of the Sixteenth.

In the morning, before the action, I directed General Blair to send a brigade to General Logan's left. Colonel Bryant, of General Woods' division, wa promptly sent. Fearing lest the enemy should turn that flank between Hazen's left and the river I directed General Blair to send the rest of Woods' division the moment the action opened. Thes he did, with instructions to hold his command well in hand, ad charge the enemy if he attempted such amovement. The enemy made two or three assaults in all, but neither approaching so near nor exhibiting so much spirit as during the battle of the 28th of July. General Logan reports:

The most determined part of the assault was maintained by General Hazen. * * * It raged fiercely in part [front] of Harrow and Osterhus, the enemy approacing their line at the everage distance of 50 to 100 paces. * * * In front of the Second Divisin(Hazen's) 186 bodies of the enemy were buried, 99 prisoners captured, not including 79 wounded, also 2 stan of colors taken. The enemy's fwounded Geenral Hzen estimates at 1,000, afterward found to be greater. General Harrow, 12 enemy's dead, 56 prisoners, not including 60 wounded. Osterhaus estimates the enemy's loss rrom 400 to 500 in his front. He discovered 131 graves.

General Logan estimates in front of his corps 500 killed, and not less thatn 5,000 fwounded, and 241 prisoners. his ow loss was 154 killed, wounded,a nd missing. Generl Ransom reports 57 dead and 92 prisoners taken in front of General Corse's divisin, estimating enemy's loss at 500 killed, wounded, and missing. His corps suffered the incredibly small loss of 18 killed and wounded. Colonel Bruyant, of General Blair's corps, reports the enemy's loss in his front 262 killed, wounded, and prisoners. The latter number may be included in General Logan's estimate, as this brigade fought in comjuntion with the troops on Hazen's left. I believe the enemy's loss in this battle of the 31st, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, will not vary far from 6,000. General Woods, Seventeenth Corps, and Generals Corse and Fuller, Sixteenth Corps, receive high commendation from their corps commanders for gallantry in this action.

By reference to the report of General Kilpatrick, it will be seen that his force on the morning of the 31st moved to Anthony's Bridge,