47 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III
In the above report I have laborded under the disadvntage of not gaving received a report from major- General Dodge. I am fully aware that my report must be in a great measure unsatisfactory, to say the least, to the officers and soldiers of this command as it is impossible for me to depict the glorious work accomplished by this army, as its commanderd, Major- General McPherson, who participated in it would have done. Since I have had the command my thanks are due for energetic services and hearty co- operation to Major Gens. John A. Logan, commanding Fifteenth Army Corps; F. P. Blair, jr., commanding Seventeenth Army Corps; G. M. Dodge and Brigadier General T. E. G. Ransom, commanding Left Wing, Sixteenth Army Corps, successively. For patriotic zeal and untiring effort for the success fo our cause they are only rivaled by the great body of the officers and soldiers under their command.
I wish to record the names of my staff who have conrrubuted so much to facilitate the movements of the army and to secure the glorious results of the campaign of Atlanta. Lieutenant- Colonel Clark, assistant adjutant- general; Captain Taggart, assistant adjutant- general; Captain Gilbert, assistant adjutant- general distinguished for completeness of records, cleanness of orders, and assistance on the field. Lieutenant- Colonel Strong, assistant inspector- general; Major Osborn, chief of artillery; Captain Hickenlooper, assistant chief of artillery; Lieutenant- Colonel Wilson, provost- marshal- general - distinguished for untiring and generous aid of every dscription. Captain Buel, chief of ordnance; Captain CC. B. Reese, chief engineer; Surg. J. Moore, medical director; Captain O. H. Howard, signal officr- for the zealous and admirable manner they performed the duties of their departments. Captain Conklin, chief quartermaster; Lieutenant- Colonel Macfellly, chief commissary of subsistence; Lieutenant Blizzard, staff quartemaster and commissary of subsistence; Dr. E. A. Duncan, staff surgeon- for the care, completeness, and system they displayed in the discharge of the duties of their several departments.
My personal staff- Major C. H. Howard, senior aide- de- camp; Captain H. M. Stinson, aide- de- camp; Captain F. W. Gilbreth, aide- de- camp; Captain W. M. Beebe, acting aide- de- camp; Captain E. H. Kirlin, volunteer aide- de- camp- receive my warmest thanks for thir exertions night and day in the performance of duty. C. W. Jacques, telegraph operator, receives my thatks for his skill and diligence.
Herewith inclosed please find the reports of corps and other commanders, also list of killed and wounded, maps,* &c. Special attantion is called to the report of the chief of artillery of the department. Iam grateful to the commanding general of the Military Divisin of the Mississipi for his confidence, instruction, alnd uniform courtesy, and it is a proud pleasure that during this trying campaign, and under the pressure of peculiar responsibility, he has never seen fit to censure me officially o otherwise.
Major- General.
Captain L. M. DAYTON,
A. D. C. to Major- General Sherman, A. A. A. G.
*To appear in the Atlas.