Today in History:

51 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


allowed to each regiment for transportation of medical supplies, and to be used for this purpose exclusively. In this wagon were carried also the hospital tents, of which there were an average of one and a half to a regiment. Abundant supplies of all kinds had been brought to Huntsville early in April by Asst. Surg. J. W. Brewer, U. S. Army, medical purveyor. No vegetables had been issued during the winter to the three divisions of the Fifteenth Corps stationed about Larkinsville, and in consequence quite a number of these men were suffering from scurvy, appearing, however, generally in a mild form. The troops at Huntsville and Athens got vegetables from the country, and scurvy did not make its appearance among them. The sick and those unable to march, from the whole command, were left at Huntsville, in buildings and field hospitals already prepared for this purpose, and under the supervision of Dr. G. F. French, U. S. Volunteers, a zealous and efficient officer. On assembling at Chattanooga the Army of the Tennessee was at once marched through Ship's Gap, Villanow, and Snake Creek Gap to the vicinity of Resaca, a village on the Atlanta railroad, where it crosses the Oostenaula River. The enemy at this time occupied Dalton, with the Army of the Cumberland in their front, and that of the Ohio on their right flank. It will be seen that the Army of the Tennessee threatened his rear. On the 9th of May our army emerged from the Snake Creek Canon into the Sugar Valley, about six miles from Resaca. An unsuccessful effort was made that afternoon to reach the railroad. This having failed, the whole army went into camp in Sugar Valley, about five miles from Resaca. During the 10th, 11th, and 12th the Twentieth, Fourteenth, and Twenty-third Corps had made a junction with General McPherson. On the 13th there was a grand advance of our whole force on Resaca, Army of the Tennessee on the right. A series of battles and skirmishes ensued on afternoon of 13th, and on 14th very obstinate fighting; enemy strongly posted behind intrenchments. Sunday, 15th, passed off very quietly; during night enemy evacuated, burning the railroad bridge behind them.

The field hospitals were formed for each division by assembling together the hospital tents of the regiments, and having them pitched under the supervision of a medical officer detailed for that duty. The hospitals of the Fifteenth Corps-three in umber-were about a mile in rear of our line; that of Sixteenth Corps somewhat nearer. Three of the best surgeons in each division were selected to perform all operations, as well as to decide upon the necessity or propriety of the operation. to each of these three were detailed two assistants. The number of wounded received into hospital during the two or three days' operations here was 794. The uneven nature of the ground offered protection to the ambulances very near to the front, and the stretcher-bearers were so prompt in bearing off the wounded, that there were very few instances of men remaining on the field more than an hour or two after being wounded. They were laid on very comfortable beds, made by strewing the tents thickly with pine leaves and spreading blankets over these. There were abundant supplies of all important articles, and, altogether, all who came to the hospital were made very comfortable. On the 16th this army formed the right column in the pursuit of the retreating rebels. All the hospitals were ordered to be concentrated near the village, and sufficient force left for their protection. On my application, a commissary was appointed to remain