66 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III
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chief engineer since June 16, was assigned to the command of the train, and directed to put it in good order at once. His report of the operations of this train is appended.
The army, save the First and Fourth Division of the Fifteenth Corps, moved on the 3rd of July, passing through Cheney's to near Widow Mitchell's, on the old Sandtown road, and the First and Fourth Divisions of the Fifteenth Corps to Marietta, passing east of the Kenesaw Mountain, the enemy having evacuated that part of the line during the night. Still advancing on the 4th, 5th, and 6th, the army came up with the enemy in force on Nickajack; our position here on the right bank of the creek was intrenched, and batteries constructed under the supervision of the corps engineer officers. The pioneers of the Sixteenth Corps, on the 11th, 12th, and 13th, under Lieutenant-Colonel Tiedemann, and the general directions of Major-General Dodge, built a trestle bridge over the Chattahoochee at Roswell Factory, 600 feet long and 13 feet above the water, using the lumber from the buildings in the vicinity. This corps moved from near Ruff's Mill on the 9th. The enemy evacuated the north bank of the Chattahoochee on the night of the 9th, the Seventeenth Corps remaining to cover the right flank. On the 13th the Fifteenth Corps moved to Roswell Factory. On the 14th I selected, with major Hotaling, a position for this corps on the left of the Sixteenth Corps, on the south of the Chattahoochee. These corps were intrenched, and remained until the 17th instant. During these three days' waiting at Roswell I reconnoitered the country to the south some four or five miles. While on the march (from 17th to 19th) from Roswell to Decatur I was sent on the 18th from Browning's Court-House, where the Fifteenth Corps was supporting Garrard, who was breaking the railroad near Stone Mountain, to Henderson's Mill, to examine the country at that point, with a view to moving the Fifteenth Corps there, to be near the other corps of the army, the Seventeenth Corps being at this time at Blake's Mill and the Sixteenth on the West Decatur road, some three miles south of Widow Rainey's. On the 21st (the second day's advance from Decatur) I was sent by the commanding general to the Seventeenth Corps, which was moving south of the railroad and parallel to it, to conduct the corps. I did this, remaining with it until it came upon the enemy in force some two and a half to three miles from Atlanta. On the morning of the 22nd I went, with Captain Barlow and Lieutenant Ernst, along nearly the whole front of our line, examined the ground for an advance, the enemy having left his works in front during the previous night. The pioneers of the Seventeenth Corps had already commenced work on this new position when the rebel attack on our left and rear began. The engineer officers had been at work on the 21st, and had constructed a very good line of breast-works on the front toward Atlanta. After the fight the line of intrenchments was extended to the left in front of the Sixteenth Corps and a part of the Seventeenth, the left of which had changed its front. On the 23rd I accompanied yourself in selecting a line, running from the left of the Twenty-third Army Corps, and breaking off in rear of the battle-field of the 22d, the salient passing some 200 yards south of the railroad, with a view to withdrawing the left of the grand army. A substantial line of breast-works was put up here by Captains Barlow and Kilsetermann and Lieutenant-Colonel Tiedemann from the 23rd to the 26th of July. During this time Lieutenant Ernst and myself were engaged in reconnoitering the roads to the right of the
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