84 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III
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Railroad, Lieutenants Edge and Conard immediately established stations of observation, from which they reported the movements of the enemy in our front. Marching again with their corps, stations were established upon their going into a new position in front of Jonesborough. There stations were occupied by Lieutenants Edge, Fish, Dunlap, Conard, and Adams, who kept the generals commanding constantly informed of the enemy's movements. The station occupied by Lieutenant Fish was maintained under a heavy fire from the enemy, whose sharpshooters attempted to dislodge him, and finally attempted the demolition of his station by artillery. Lieutenant Fish's reports were of an important nature. Early in the morning on which the enemy evacuated Jonesborough, I proceeded, accompanied by Lieutenant Edge, to the spire of the church in town, from which could be seen, by the columns of dust, the routes taken by the retreating enemy, all of which was promptly reported to the general commanding, and confirmed the enemy in position near Lovejoy's Station, stations of observation were established and occupied by the officers of the detachment.
During the entire campaign signal officers have, when not employed at their legitimate duties, acted as aides to the general officers with whom they were serving.
I take pleasure in testifying to the uniform zeal and industry of the officers and men composing my command, who have, I am confident, done all in their power to promote the interest of the service and the success of our arms, and in this they have been untiring.
I have the honor to be, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, Commanding Detach.
Lieutenant Colonel WILLIAM T. CLARK,
Asst. Adjt. General, Dept. and Army of the Tennessee.
Numbers 446.Reports of Major General John A. Logan, U. S. Army, commanding Fifteenth Army Corps.
Near Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 28, 1864.COLONEL: I have the honor to report that in compliance with orders, after being relieved from my position in front of Kenesaw Mountain by the troops of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Corps, I relieved the Fourteenth Army Corps, which was in position on the south and east of Kenesaw Mountain. The movements of troops necessary to carry out the orders were made after dark on the night of the 25th and 26th instant. Brigadier-General Harrow's division formed the left, and Brigadier General P. J. Osterhaus' division formed the right, of my line, and Brigadier General Morgan L. Smith's division was placed in rear of the two as a reserve. On the morning of the 27th, in obedience to orders, I formed the division of Brigadier General Morgan L. Smith, consisting of Brigadier General J. A. J. Lightburn's and Brigadier General Giles A. Smith's brigades, and Colonel C. C. Walcutt's brigade, of Brigadier-General Harrow's division, all under command of Brigadier General Morgan L. Smith, into column for assault; and
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