Today in History:

90 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


[East Point, Ga., September 13, 1864.]

COLONEL: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Fifteenth Army Corps in the Georgia campaign, from may 1, 1864, to 1 p. m. during the battle of July 22, 1864, before Atlanta, at which time, by the death of Major-General McPherson, the command of the Department and Army of the Tennessee devolved upon me, and from the evening of July 27, when I again assumed command of the corps, to the 8th of September, when the campaign ended and my command went into camp at East Point, Ga., six miles south-southwest of Atlanta.

My immediate command consisted of the First Division, Brigadier General P. Joseph Osterhaus, afterward Brigadier General Charles R. Woods, afterward Major General P. Joseph Osterhaus, commanding; Second Division, Brigadier General Morgan L. Smith, afterward Brigadier General W. B. Hazen, commanding; and the Fourth Division, Brigadier General William Harrow, commanding. Accompanying the report is a general map* of our route and camps during the campaign, and plans in detail, numbered in regular succession, of the most important of our positions in which battles were fought. The operations of the Third Division, Brigadier General John E. Smith commanding, which was left in North Alabama, and which has since been guarding railroads and lines of communication, will be given in a separate report. In pursuance of instructions dated April 28, 1864, from the major-general commanding the Department and Army of the Tennessee, Osterhaus', Morgan L. Smith's, and Harrow's divisions broke up their winter camps along the line of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, in North Alabama, May 1, 1864, and marched by the wagon road, which runs substantially with the railroad, via Stevenson and Bridgeport, to Chattanooga, arriving during the night of the 5th and morning of the 6th of May. The roads generally were very bad, and streams high. All obstacles were promptly overcome by the pioneers and men of Harrow's division, under the general supervision of Captain Klostermann, acting chief engineer officer of the corps. Near Chattanooga camps were established, in which were deposited all surplus baggage, camp and garrison equipage, and the transportation of the command was placed on the campaign footing. My command rested on the night of the 6th at Gordon's Mills, and marched on the 7th in the direction of Villanow, camping at the western entrance of Gordon's Springs Gap. On the 8th marched through Villanow, and camped at the west end of Snake Creek Gap of the Chattoogata Mountain. On the 9th, leaving the entire transportation, except fifteen ammunition wagons to each division, with col. Reuben William's brigade, of Harrow's division, as a guard, and to hold the gap, the command marched through the gap in the direction of Resaca in light fighting trim, in rear of the Left Wing of the Sixteenth Corps, in compliance with Special Field Orders, Numbers 3, headquarters Department and Army of the Tennessee, dated May 8, 1864. At the cross-roads, two miles southwest from Resaca, by direction of the major-general commanding the Army of the Tennessee, I halted my command, and disposed it as a support to the forces of General Dodge, which were moving against Resaca. The movement not being successful, I fell back in the evening, by order, to Sugar Valley, taking a defensive position at the intersection of the Dalton and


*To appear in the Atlas.
