Today in History:

98 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


directly across the right flank of the enemy, Walcutt's brigade being in the first line and the brigades of Colonel Reuben Williams and Colonel Oliver in the second. The division charged gallantly against the enemy, driving him from his position in confusion, killing and wounding many and capturing about 350 prisoners, 22 of whom were commissioned officers. My loss was 45 killed and wounded. The object of the attack having been accomplished, the division was withdrawn in the evening to the rear of the Seventeenth Corps. From June 16 to 18 my lines wee advanced wherever practicable, the skirmish and artillery fire being sharp and continuous. On the night of June 18 and 19 the enemy abandoned his line, and retired to a second line about two miles in the rear. His line in our immediate front was on the crest of Kenesaw Mountain proper, his skirmish line being at the foot of the mountain. On the 19th of June I advanced my line to near the base of the mountain, and intrenched. On the 20th I remained in that position, with skirmishers and artillery constantly remained unchanged, with severe skirmishing and artillery practice along my entire line. The enemy shelled my position from the summit of Kenesaw Mountain continually, doing but little damage.

During the interval between the 20th and 25th I continued to push forward the skirmishers up the side of the mountain, driving those of the enemy before us. On the 24th I attempted to gain the summit of the mountain with a double line of skirmishers, the opinion of my division commanders being that the position was only held by a strong skirmish line of the enemy. The skirmishers advanced in good order, at each step meeting with strong resistance, until they had reached within 20 yards of the crest, where they found a farther advance could not be made without being re-enforced. Not having an order to advance my line, I caused my skirmishers to be withdrawn to a position nearer the main line, protected by skirmish pits. This advance proved the enemy to be still in possession of the mountain in force. During these operations, Osterhaus' (First) division held position on the right, connecting with Dodge's command, and Smith's (Second) division on the left, connecting with Blair's command, and Harrow's (Fourth) division was the reserve of my line. All my troops were protected by earth-works. On the 25th, in accordance with Special Field Orders, Numbers 50, from Department and Army of the Tennessee, to relieve the command of Brigadier General Jefferson C. Davis' division, of the Fourteenth Corps, I sent General Harrow's (Fourth) division, at 8 p. m. of that day, to the right of the Left Wing of the Sixteenth Army Corps, with orders to comply with the requirements of the order referred to. The movement was executed successfully, and without loss, though the situation of Davis' division was very close to the main line of the enemy's works. On the 26th, by authority of Special Field Orders, Numbers 51, from Department and Army of the Tennessee, I moved the remainder of my command, Brigadier-Generals Osterhaus' and M. L. Smith's divisions, to the right, and relieved the remaining troops of the Fourteenth Corps in position. The movement was executed by the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Corps, relieving my troops in line in the afternoon of the 26th, when I ordered them to fall back quietly, under cover of the woods, to a position where they remained until after dark, when I moved them by the right flank to the place designated in the order. The distance to march was three miles, and the hour for starting was 8