106 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III
Page 106 | THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN. Chapter L. |
only the usual skirmishing and artillery practice was indulged in up to the 26th of August, except, on the 10th day of August, I directed General Woods to advance his line on the right, so as to gain possession of the ridge in his front, the last intervening ridge between his line and that of the enemy. General Woods organized his command accordingly and moved forward, engaging the enemy's skirmishers immediately soon capturing the line, with about 60 prisoners. His loss was inconsiderable which was attributable to his skillful management of the troops assigned to take the position. He made his lodgment secure and connected with the right of the Second Division throwing his skirmishers forward in advance of the line captured. On the 4th of August Brigadier General M. L. Smith, commander of the Second Division on account of disability arising from a wound received at Chickasaw Bayou, Miss. was compelled, by the advice of his medical officer, to apply for leave of absence, which was granted, and the command of the division then devolved upon General Lightburn, a brave and good officer, who retained command until the assignment of Brigadier General W. B. Hazen August 17, who is at present the commander: General Lightburn, on the 23rd of August, received leave of absence on account of wound received in the head while in the performance of duty.
On the 15th day of August Major General P. J. Osterhaus having returned from leave of absence, granted on account of disability on the 11th day of July, was directed by me to resume command of the First Division. Brigadier General C. R. Woods was thus relieved from command of his old brigade.* On the 22nd of August, by virtue of Special Field Orders, Numbers 106, from Department and Army of the Tennessee, Brigadier-General Woods was relieved from duty in my command and assigned to command the Third Division, Seventeenth Corps. The promotion was well deserved, though I was sorry to part with so good an officer. During General Osterhaus' absence he was promoted to his well-earned rank of major-general of volunteers, to fill the vacancy of the lamented and much loved McPherson, Colonel C. C. Walcutt, Forty-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, commander of a brigade in the Fourth Division, was by the President appointed brigadier-general of volunteers on the 30th of July for gallant and meritorious conduct during the campaign, and was assigned to command in the Fourth Division. On the 26th, at 8 p.m. in pursuance of Special Field Orders, Nos. 101 and 108, from Department and Army of the Tennessee, I withdrew my command from its position in front of Atlanta, commencing with Major-General Osterhaus' division on the right, and continuing with Brigadier-Generals Hazen's and Harrow's divisions, respectively, and moved them across Utoy Creek to the vicinity of Camp Creek, by way of Judge Wilson's house, thence south by a by-road, reaching Camp Creek early on the morning of the 27th. The pickets of my command on duty in front of Atlanta were not relieved until after the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Corps had filled out of their works, when all were relieved simultaneously, under direction of Lieutenant-Colonel Strong, of department staff, and rejoined their proper commands. The withdrawal of the troops was more successful than we had a right to anticipate, as it accomplished with only the loss of 1 man in my command. The First and Second Divisions were placed in position one mile south of Camp Creek, and the Fourth
*So in original; but should probably read-was thus returned to the command of his old brigade.
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