111 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III
Page 111 | Chapter L. REPORTS, ETC. - ARMY OF THE TENNESSEE. |
my officers have during the campaign fully earned promotion, some of them have already obtained, it, viz, General Osterhaus and General Walcutt, both heretofore mentioned. My staff officer, one and all, did their duty, and have my hearty thanks for their co-operation and zeal in assisting me to perform all the duties of the campaign.
I estimate the loss of the enemy in this campaign caused by my command at about 3,000 killed and 15,000 wounded. We have captured from the enemy, 2,030 prisoners, 420 wounded, and received 210 deserters; aggregate, 2,660; 11 stand of colors and about 5,000 stand of small-arms. My losses, including those had in skirmishes and picket advances not mentioned in the body of this report, as shown by the nominal lists accompanying this report, are 650 killed, 3,538 wounded, 633 missing; aggregate, 4,824. It is impossible in this report, covering so much time and so many engagements to speak of individual acts of heroism and bravery, for they were many and frequent. I respectfully call your attention to the nominal lists of casualties of each division, and the reports of division commanders herewith inclosed; also the maps drawn by Captain Klostermann, which exhibit the different situations of my troops in all the engagements with the enemy and the route traveled. The report of my chief of artillery is also inclosed with the report of my signal detachment which is commanded by Lieutenant edge, as brave an officer as is borne on the rolls of the American Army. He was always prompt and obedient to orders and in every advance secured the most prominent position from which he could view the movements secured the most prominent position from which he could view the movements of the enemy, notwithstanding the danger incurred. His reports often served me to operate successfully against the enemy with precision, when otherwise I might have been in doubt. I desire to call the attention of the Government to the meritorious services of Brigadier General C. R. Woods, Brigadier General Morgan L. Smith, Brigadier General William Harrow, Brigadier General Giles A. Smith, and Brigadier General W. B. Hazen, and respectfully recommend their promotion. For the recommendation of officers below the grade of brigadier-general for promotion, I invite attention to the reports of division commanders, which are approved by me.
The whole distance, marched by my command is 387 miles, as shown by the maps herewith inclosed, * not including the separate marches of detached divisions, which added, make 600 miles. It has rendered unfit for service of the enemy nearly 20,000 me-according to just estimates, 6,000 more than the entire strength of my command when it entered upon the campaign.
The medical officers serving on my staff, Surg. E. O. F Roler, medical director, and Surg. John M. Woodworth, medical inspector, were unremitting in their efforts to secure the comfort of the wounded and to cause their wounds to be healed so that they might return to duty. A just estimate of their services may be had from the fact that over 1,000 wounded men were returned to duty before the conclusion of the campaign. The duties and business arising in the adjutant-general's department were faithfully and efficiently performed under the direction of Lieutenant Colonel R. R. Townes, assistant adjutant-general of the corps, and by Captain Whitehead and Wheeler, assistant adjutant-general; Majors Stolbrand, Waterhouse, and Maurice, who acted as chiefs of artillery, respectively - Stolbrand, until captured by the enemy (heretofore mentioned), Waterhouse, until relieved on the 25th of June, Maurice from that date
*All to appear in the Atlas.
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