118 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III
Page 118 | THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN. Chapter L. |
time previous and, with the exception of the loss of 2 guns, was completely victorious. The enemy were badly beaten at all points of our lines, and retired before night-fall from our immediate front.
We captured from the enemy 481 prisoners, and buried of their dead over 400 bodies in front of our lines. Many of their dead we no doubt secured by them before retiring. The losses of the corps were 118 killed, 414 wounded, and 535 missing; aggregate, 1,067, and 2 guns. The troops engaged immediately in front of the corps were ascertained to be the old corps of General Hood, commanded by Major-General Cheatham.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant Colonel, Asst. Adjt., General, and Chief of Staff.
Lieutenant Colonel WILLIAM T. CLARK,
Asst. Adjt. General, Dept., and Army of the Tennessee.
Casualties in Fifteenth Army Corps July 22, 1864.
Killed Wounded. Missing. Total
Command. Off Men Off Men Offi Men Offi
ice ice cers cers
rs rs
First Division:
Infantry 1 9 3 58 1 2 5
Artillery - 1 - 3 - - -
Total 1 10 3 61 1 2 5
Second Division:
Infantry 4 54 6 180 13 378 23
Artillery a 1 4 - 14 1 27 2
Total 5 58 6 194 14 405 25
Fourth Division:
Infantry 5 38 6 137 6 107 17
Artillery b - 1 - 7 - - -
Total 5 39 6 144 6 107 17
Grand total 11 107 15 399 21 514 47
Command. Men Aggreg Priso Horse Guns Wago
ate ners s lost ns
captu lost. lost
First Division:
Infantry 69 74 - - - -
Artillery 4 4 - 5 - 1
Total 73 78 47 5 - 1
Second Division:
Infantry 612 635 - - - -
Artillery a 45 47 - 89 2 -
Total 657 682 75 89 2 -
Fourth Division:
Infantry 282 299 - 2 - -
Artillery b 8 8 - 67 - -
Total 290 307 359 69 - -
Grand total 1,020 1,067 481 163 2 1
a Four limbers lost and 1 guns burst while firing.
b Six caissons, limbers, implements, and equipments lost.
Numbers 448.Report of Captain Frank C. Gillette, Provost-Marshal, of prisoners captured June 27.
Near Big Shanty, June 28, 1864GENERAL: I have the honor to report the following prisoners of war captured June 27, 1864, by the Fifteenth Army Corps; Captain, 1; lieutenants, 2; sergeants, 7; corporals, 4; privates, 73; total, 87.
I have the honor to be, general, your most obedient servant,
Captain and Provost-Marshal, Fifteenth Army Corps.
Major General JOHN A. LOGAN,
Commanding Fifteenth Army Corps.
Page 118 | THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN. Chapter L. |