134 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III
Page 134 | THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN. Chapter L. |
In the Field, East Point, Ga., September 10, 1864.COLONEL: On the 15th day of August I resumed command of this division (having been temporarily absent on account of sickness), which was at the time intrenched in three lines, some hundred yards to the right and in front of Ezra Chapel, the scene of combat on July 28, on which Brigadier General C. R. Woods, then commanding the division, has reported. The opposing lines had been pushed so close together that operations had come to a stand-still with the exception of a farther advance on August 22. I availed myself of a demonstration made in our front to dislodge the rebel sharpshooters from a belt of woods in my immediate front, whence they had kept up a very annoying fire on us. The move was successful and caused the enemy to fall back on his main line, while we were enabled to advance our front line and two batteries (ten guns) within very destructive proximity to the enemy's line. Leaving that position on August 26, we marched during the night, by way of Utoy Creek, to Parker's place, about four miles west of Fairburn, on the Atlanta and Montgomery Railroad, where we arrived early on the 27th. After the 27th. After the necessary reconnaissances of the approaches to said railroad, we advanced at 8 a.m. on the 28th and struck the railroad at noon near Shadna Church, two miles north of Fairburn. The enemy did not oppose our advance, and we found only a very small picket on the road; our march was, however, considerably delayed by the necessity of cutting a road for two miles and a half through the timber. On arriving at the point indicated the division was at once deployed and intrenchments thrown up; rebel cavalry was in our immediate front. The night and next day August 29, was spent in destroying the track of the railroad, which was done most effectually. The order of march for August 30 toward Jonesborough on the Atlanta and Macon Railroad, placed the First Division in rear of the Fifteenth Corps, and I had, consequently, no part in the skirmishes with the rebel troops who contested our advance, without success, however. The rear of my command crossed Flint River after 11 p.m., and the whole division took position as fast as the troops came in with orders to intrench at once, as it was evident that the enemy meant to defend Jonesborough Station. My division formed the second line, Second and Fourth Divisions being in front, except the Twenty-fifth Regiment Iowa Infantry, of my Second Brigade, who were posted on the right on an elevated open field. This point was of the greatest importance, as it secured our front position against any attack on the right flank, which otherwise was much exposed. I directed the officers in command there to throw up breast-works during the night, and it is due to their zeal that early in the morning of August 31 we had a strong, substantial line of rifle-pits commanding the intermediate ground between the right of our line and Flint River. On the morning of the 31st of August my position, in reserve to the Second and Fourth Divisions, was materially altered, as I endeavored under orders from the corps commander to connect the extreme right of the first line of our corps (Fourth Division) with the refused line of our right, erected during the night, by a permanent and systematic line. This was really an extension of the position in front, and required all the troops of my Second and Third Brigades to make it sufficiently strong. The enemy were very active during the night and all morning, a
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