Today in History:

948 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


The results of this expedition, in addition to attaining the object for which we were sent, were the bringing out of the enemy's lines about 70 wagons and teams, 182 prisoners, 300 horses and saddles, and mules, a large amount of stores, the destruction of the remainder of a large wagon train and stores at Cass Station.

May 26, we moved from Acworth to join the main army, and took our position on its right on the Acworth and Dallas road.

May 27, General Cleburne's division of infantry having been formed upon the right of our infantry line, I placed portions of Hannon's and Allen's small cavalry brigades, of Kelly's division, upon General Cleburne's right flank. They were dismounted, and intrenchments thrown up extending on the prolongation of General Claburne's line for a distance of about 800 yards. The enemy having during the morning and preceding day made several attacks upon the pickets on the Burn Hickory road, I have placed general Martin's command in position to oppose the enemy, who were menacing that point, leaving a space of about two miles between General Martin's left and General Kelly's right, which was filled by a line of skirmishers from general Humes' command, which command was held in reserve to move any point which be attacked. About 3 o'clock this line of skirmishers was driven in by a force of the enemy's cavalry advancing up Pumpkin Vine creek by Widow Pickett's house. I immediately galloped to this point and found a squadron moving, by General Humes' direction, to re-enforce the picket. On arriving at the creek I soon observed that a considerable force of infantry was before us, and I directed General Humes to bring one brigade (dismounted) to that point, and to prolong his other brigade upon its right to fill the gap between said position and General Martin's left. These dispositions were made under a warm fire from the enemy. At this moment I received information that General Martin's line was being attacked, and at the same time that Granbury's brigade of infantry was moving up to General Kelly, whom I ordered to move to the right and close upon General Humes. While making the movement, and before it was completed, the enemy moved a column up a ravine between Kelly's right and Humes' left. I ordered a regiment from Humes to oppose them, which was promptly in position, but finding it was warmly pressed, general Humes re-enforced it with another regiment from his command. While this movement was going on Hazen's Federal infantry brigade charged our line, but was repulsed by a counter-charge of Humes' and Kelly's commands.

My command captures 32 prisoners, including 1 commissioned officer, whom they turned over to Lowrey's infantry brigade, which was just forming to their to relieve General Humes' command. On the arrival of General Lowery's brigade General Humes moved to the right in front of the temporary breast-works thrown up during the engagement. Quarles' brigade also reported to me during the fight, but too late to join in the action.

I will here state I had but 822 men engaged, extending over ground to such length as to enable me to from little more than a line of skirmishers. The enemy we fought proved to be Wood's division, of Howard's corps, General Howard having moved to that position to turn our right flank. We successfully thwarted this movement, holding this large force of the enemy in check until we were relieved by a division of our infantry, to whom we gave up our temporary breast-works, and then moved to the right to guard their