956 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III
Page 956 | THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN. Chapter L. |
his brigade, 400 strong, which was thrown into position. While doing so, General Anderson was wounded, and the brigade left under command of Colonel Bird.
Upon advancing my line, I ascertained that the enemy had fallen back and taken a strong position in the edge of a wood, with a large field in front, and a deep ravine, only passable at certain points, intervening between my troops and the enemy's position. The enemy had thrown up strong barricades and was using his artillery freely. General Roddey, who had been in the town, and had not been engaged, came up with about 600 men, and was placed in position on my left. He advised strongly against attacking the position. I immediately moved my troops to the right and pressed down upon the enemy's left flank. Upon discovering this movement, the enemy commenced retreating. I pressed rapidly down the road upon their flank, cutting off nearly two entire regiments, which surrendered in a body with all their artillery, wagons, and ambulances. The entire column was thrown into disorder, and a number of prisoners, arms, horses, and 2 stand of colors were captured in the pursuit which ensued. Some 300 prisoners, mostly quartermasters, commissaries, and other non-combatants whom the enemy had captured the previous day, were also recaptured by our troops. General Roddey, on account of the fatigued condition of his men, had been authorized by me to retire to Newman before this movement commenced. After pursuing about four miles I found the enemy had become very much scattered through the woods and fields, and that the only party claiming organization had been severed nearly equally. One column, estimated at about 400 men, under General McCook in person, had moved at a gallop toward the mouth of New River, ad the other party, under Colonel Brownlow, had moved on by-roads toward the Chattahoochee River, near Franklin. I ordered Colonel Bird, commanding Anderson's brigade, to pursue the party with McCook vigorously. In anticipation that the enemy would take the direction pursued by the other party, I had some time previously sent Colonel McKenzie, with his own and the Third Arkansas Regiment, to gain the front of the enemy moving toward Franklin.
I omitted to state that a short time before dark General Jackson arrived, but his troops, numbering only about 300 men, remained in rear and did not come up to engage the enemy. After dark I ordered General Jackson to take his entire command to the battle-field and take charge of all the prisoners which had not been sent to the rear, to gather up the arms, wagons, horses, artillery, and all other public property, and take them to Newman and await my orders. The balance of my command left with me I ordered to search the woods and gather together the straggling parties of the enemy who had been cut off and were scattered over the country. Colonel McKenzie was very fortunate in his movement and succeeded in capturing between 200 and 300 prisoners. Colonel Bird was not so successful. His instructions from me were to press on rapidly after the enemy, and to report by courier to me his progress and the force he found himself following. It was full daylight before I heard from him at all, and then I learned that he had fallen asleep and allowed the demoralized mass to escape to the river.
On my arrival at that point in the morning I found that some 400 of the enemy had succeeded in crossing after abandoning some 200 horses and equipments, throwing away most of their arms. These
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