973 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III
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crossed at Philpot's Ferry. Some 300 mules and horses were captured by General Anderson's brigade, with some prisoners. Colonel Harrison's brigade now numbers about 500 men. A good many are without arms, and are at present without horses, but the enemy are mounting their men on horses stolen from citizens. The enemy are inquiring the way to Rome, Ga., and also the way to Oxford, ala. With a small effective force I believe the enemy can be captured. At Brown's Mills they abandoned their artillery, ambulances, hospital stores, and all their wounded. Colonel Harrison, Lieutenant-Colonel Torrey, commanding Federal brigades, were captured, and Torrey severely wounded. I have got twelve men with me from the Eighth Confederate Cavalry Regiment, and a few from Harrison's Texas brigade, making twenty-four men. I think citizens will rally to assist me in picking up all stragglers from the enemy's ranks. We have captured 8 of the enemy.,
I am, with sentiments of high regard, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant, Commanding Scouts.
General J. H. CLANTON.
Numbers 725.Report of Captain Thomas H. Francis, Fourth Tennessee Infantry, of affairs at Auburn, Ala., July 18-September 15.
Auburn, Ala., September 15, 1864.GENERAL: I have the honor to respectfully to make the following semi-monthly report of events transpired since my assignment to duty here:
In obedience to Special Orders, Numbers 41, headquarters Army of Tennessee, I took command of this post 16th July, 1864.
On 18th July the Yankee raid, under Rousseau, passed through the town, burning depots and warehouses containing Government property, and railroad from Notasulga to Opelika. As before stated, i took command but two days previous and had no provost guard or force of any sort with which to defend the post. In the emergency I got a few convalescents from the Texas hospital and such of the militia as could be collected, amounting in all to about eighteen men, mounting them on horses impressed from the neighboring citizens. I also telegraphed to Columbus for arms or re-enforcements, but received neither. With this little force, armed with shotguns, I proceeded to reconnoiter the enemy, and skirmished with him, keeping him out of the town for about twenty hours; but finding his force to be about 2,500 men, I ordered my command to disperse and seek safety separately. The raid entered town about 2 p. m., and left nest morning, 19th July. During this occupation the negroes owned by citizens in the town and surrounding country broke into stores and carried off everything movable. There were no while persons present while this was going on, and consequently the negroes carrying off plunder could not be subsequently VX. I have since made every effort to recover stolen property, but so far with but little success.
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