14 Series I Volume XXXVIII-IV Serial 75 - The Atlanta Campaign Part IV
Page 14 | THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN. Chapter L. |
Lookout Valley at 6.30 a. m. with the division artillery, ordnance and supply trains; arrived at this point and encamped between 2 and 4 p. m., nothing worthy of note occurring en route. My Second Division is now in Lookout Valley.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major-General, Commanding.
RINGGOLD, GA., May 2, 1864.
Brigadier-General WHIPPLE,
Chief of Staff:
GENERAL: I have just returned from the reconnaissance. I went to Smith's house, close to Tunnel Hill; found enemy in force on the ridge and this side. I am satisfied from observation and information of citizens that there is no decrease of force there. I did [not] feel authorized to attack Tunnel Hill with four regiments of infantry, and withdrew, covering the movement with my cavalry. About 6 men killed and wounded from the cavalry force. Particulars by courier.
Brigadier-General, Commanding.
Chattanooga, Tenn., May 2, 1864.(Received May 3.)
Colonel E. M. McCOOK,
Commanding First Division Cavalry, Cleveland, Tenn.:
COLONEL: Until the cavalry of General Stoneman joins General Schofield you will direct that one brigade of your command cover the left flank of his corps and with the other cover that of General Howard, conforming to their movements. You will observe but not engage the enemy while co-operating with the above corps. As long as Cleveland can be made use of as your depot for supplies, use it, but be sure to keep your command in good condition and supplied with forage.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Brigadier General, U. S. Vols., Chief of Cav., Dept. of the Cumb.
CLEVELAND, TENN., May 2, 1864.
Brigadier General E. M. McCOOK,
Commanding Cavalry Division:
GENERAL: Unless specific instructions should be communicated from headquarters Army of the Cumberland, you will move in obedience to instructions of the commanding general of May 1 instant, in such manner as to cover my left flank during my march fro Cleveland to Catoosa Springs. You will leave camp at 10.30 a. m. to-morrow, and pass and cover Stanley's camp, which will be at Red Clay to-morrow night. Please consult with him, and communicate to him your dispositions. Your trains can follow mine along the old Alabama road, being covered by General Schofield's advance toward Varnell's Station, giving
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