Today in History:

640 Series I Volume XXIII-I Serial 34 - Tullahoma Campaign Part I

Page 640 Chapter XXXV. KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA.

leaving his infantry and artillery behind. We pressed on to Lebanon, at which point we found Colonel Wolford with his brigade. My infantry and artillery were ordered from that point to report to General Judah, at Vaugn's Ferry, on Green River. I take pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficiency and great powers of endurance of the Twelfth Kentucky Regiment (infantry) and the Ninety-first Indiana Regiment in the march from Russellville to Marrowbone and back to Green River Bridge. These regiments kept pace with the cavalry and artillery. Colonel Hoskins, of the Twelfth Kentucky, and Lieutenant-Colonel Mehringer, of the Ninety-first Indiana, deserve the thanks and gratitude of the country for their promptness and efficiency in the management of their regiments. Captain Denning, of the Twenty-second Indiana Battery, was in command of all my artillery, and I feel no hesitance in pronouncing him one of the best and most efficient officers in the army. At Lebanon, General Hobson turned his brigade over to me, and assumed command of all the forces. We marched from Lebanon to Springfield; thence to Bardstown and Brandenburg. When we came within 2 miles of Branddenburg, we discovered the smoke rising from the burning transports that had set the enemy across the river, and heard his shouts of triumph. We were twenty-four hours in obtaining transports and crossing the river. When once across the river, the pursuit was resumed. We pursued him through the State of Indiana to Harrison, Ohio.

At Carydon, and other points in Indiana, the enemy was met by the militia. The kindness, hospitality, and patriotism of that noble State, as exhibited on the passage of the Federal forces, was sufficient to convince the most consummate traitor of the impossibility of severing this great Union. Ohio seemed to vie with her sister Indiana in facilitating our pursuit after the great rebel raider. In each of these two great States our troops were fed and furnished with water from the hands of men, women, and children; from the palace and hut alike we shared their hospitality. He who witnessed the great exhibition of patriotism and love of country in those mighty States on the passage of the Union army, and then could doubt the ability and purpose of the people to maintain the Government has certainly been "given over to hardness of heart, he may believe a lie, and be damned." We continued our pursuit of the enemy day and night until Saturday night, the 18th of July, when, by traveling all night, we reached Chester at daylight on the morning of the 19th. Colonel Kautz, with his brigade, had the advance; Colonel Sanders' brigade followed; then my own and Colonel Wolford's in the rear. After proceeding 2 miles on Sabbath morning, the 19th, in the direction of Buffington Island, we heard the reports of artillery on the river; officers and men, notwithstanding the immense fatigue they had undergone, seemed to be inspired with new life and energy, and there was a general rush forward. After proceeding 2 miles farther, I met two couriers with orders; the first was that I should "take the first road leading up the river and cut off the enemy's retreat;" the second, that I should "press forward and let Colonel Wolford, with his brigade, take the road leading up the river." I had gone but a short distance, when I received a written order to reverse my column, and, with Colonel Wolford's brigade and my own, take the first road I could find in the direction of the river, in order to prevent the enemy's escape up the river. The column was at once reversed and moved back by the left flank. Upon reaching the road, I found the head of Colonel Wolford's column proceeding down the road. He was shown the order, and at once reported to me for orders. He was ordered to proceed with

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