Today in History:

10 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II

Page 10 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.

and Donelson are under General Grant's command. Have also received two telegrams, showing that they should be in my command, one of them stating that my troops have been halted there, and one asking permits to ship goods. While the Cumberland is navigable, this will probably be of daily occurrence.



MURFREESBOROUGH, January 24, 1863.

Brigadier-General JOHNSON,

Commanding Right Wing:

The general commanding directs that General Davis' expedition to Unionville be for the present suspended; also that your wagon train be sent, under a strong escort-a brigade, if necessary-to Nashville.



MURFREESBOROUGH, January 24, 1863.

Major-General WRIGHT, Cincinnati:

Have been ill. Out of danger. Would you could see me. Will Granger be in Louisville soon? His first two brigades and the cavalry ought to come by Monday, without fail. Forrest and all the rebel cavalry of Wheeler have gone to Franklin, and have burned the bridges across the Harpeth toward Nashville, with the view of operating between the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers on our steamboat transportation. In think by concert of action we can "put them up a spout."



MURFREESBOROUGH, January 24, 1863.

Major-General WRIGHT, Cincinnati:

Send two strong brigades, two batteries of artillery, and all your cavalry, with the pack animals and saddles, from Louisville, by steamer to Clarksville, there to disembark, and, with ten days' rations, to sweep the whole country from the Tennessee River to this place, between the Cumberland and Duck Rivers. The command should carry 120 rounds of ammunition per man, and have the limber-boxes and caissons filled. Please send balance of Granger's command by steamer to Nashville, to join me here as soon as possible.


MURFREESBOROUGH, January 24, 1863.

Major-General WRIGHT, Cincinnati:

In your dispatches you speak of sending down another division. Do you mean by that that you will relieve the troops at Bowling Green, and send them down? Please answer, as I wish to send them to Carthage.


Page 10 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.