Today in History:

42 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II

Page 42 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.

Seven companies of the Second Michigan Cavalry leave to-night for Nashville by rail. Four to five hundred will now leave daily until all of the cavalry and cavalry animals, also pack mules, are shipped. One week or ten days will place them all in Nashville. There are yet two regiments of infantry to arrive from Northeastern Kentucky, and they will be sent forward as rapidly as possible. General Wright has been here for the last two days, assisting in embarking this force and pushing it forward. He has ordered me to remain here and superintend the moving of everything, until the last man and animal is shipped.

Owing to the great scarcity of transportation, I have been able to send forward but few wagons with the troops. Captain H. C. Ransom, assistant quartermaster, chief quartermaster of my forces, left this morning for your headquarters, to secure transportation and other accommodations for them, upon their arrival at Nashville. I hope you will give all necessary orders and facilities to him for having everything in readiness, at the landing, upon their arrival.

I was reluctantly compelled to abandon the expedition from Clarksville, proposed by yourself, as it was impossible to obtain either boats or barges sufficient to transport the troops to that point within a period of three or four weeks. All of our large boats, having sufficient capacity to carry animals, have been converted into gunboats, Mosquito fleets, &c.

I am in hopes to reach Nashville, in person, by Saturday or Sunday next. The fleet will probably reach there about the same time.

Please write or telegraph me, in detail, anything you may suggest or desire me to attend to.

Your friend,



Major General HORATIO G. WRIGHT,
Commanding Department of the Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio:

SIR: There seems to be no doubt that the rebels, in considerable force, are entering the southern counties of the State, for what purpose is not exactly known. I intend to keep my forces well in hand until their plans are somewhat developed. If I only had the horse equipments for mounting my two infantry regiments, I would feel much stronger than I do.

I inclose a letter from Colonel Gilbert. I get the same report from other sources.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,




HDQRS. FIRST Brigadier, ARMY OF CENTRAL KENTUCKY, Frankfort, February 1, 1863.

Captain W. L. M. BURGER,

Asst. Adjt. General, Army of Central Kentucky, Lexington:

SIR: I deem it my duty to state that letters shown me by the Governor and adjutant-general, from Breathitt, Clay, and Laurel Counties, indicate the presence of considerable bodies of rebels in those localities. One item, deemed reliable, is that the rebels at Cumberland

Page 42 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.