Today in History:

100 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II

Page 100 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.

CLARKSVILLE, March 3, 1863.

Major-General ROSECRANS:

Seventeenth Kentucky are loaded on boats ready to start. Rebels are again in force at Shoals. Boats fired on to-day coming down. Convoy expected to-night or to-morrow. Unless ordered, will detain for convoy.


Colonel, Commanding Post.

FORT HENRY, March 3, 1863 - 3 p. m.

Major-General ROSECRANS:

Colonel Lowe has not returned from Saint Louis. Our cavalry and artillery is at Fort Heiman, and, owing to the high water, it is almost impossible to land them on this side of the river. We have 700 or 800 men at this place, with one 12-pounder in the fort. The fort is covered with water, untenable for troops. Colonel Lowe leaves Saint Louis to-morrow for this place.


Colonel, Commander.

SMITHLAND, March 3, 1863.

Major-General ROSECRANS:

I cannot possibly station one of my boats above Nashville. I am ordered to keep two always together, besides to make the trip above once a week. Van Dorn will make an attempt to cut off your supplies by the river, and will either strike at Donelson or Palmyra. I must keep my force below Nashville to watch him, and see that he does not carry out his designs. He is reported now to be within 20 miles of Dover.



CORINTH, [March 3, 1863?].

Major-General ROSECRANS,


All the cavalry, Partisan Rangers, and mounted patrols in Alabama and Georgia have been concentrated and ordered to join Van Dorn and Wheeler. A portion of them have crossed the Tennessee already near Huntsville, while the Georgia forces went by way of Chattanooga. I captured some of the Alabama men who came from Goulding Salt-Works, in Clark County, and my scouts all report the same fact. It is thought they can raise about 30,000. One battery of artillery (four guns) crossed at Decatur last week, to join Johnston. A heavy cavalry force crossed at Decatur to south side of river by steamer Dunbar, to cut off my force.



PADUCAH, March 3, 1863.

Brigadier-General ASBOTH:

There is undoubtedly a large force of the enemy near Fort Donelson, but from the operator at that post I learn they are conscripting in the

Page 100 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.