Today in History:

105 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II


as even raw troops can be made useful for defense of positions which must be protected, and I still hope that some may be drawn from that source. A few troops can yet be drawn from the States north of the Ohio. The rest must be sent from other departments, and your letter will be referred to General Halleck in support of the call for further re-enforcements. I will endeavor to visit Frankfort in a few days, and consult with you upon this and other matters.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Major-General, Commanding.

Cincinnati, Ohio, March 5, 1863-10.30 p. m.

Major General H. W. HALLECK, General-in-Chief:

Intelligence (not very definite) received from various sources induces me to believe that the rebels design concentrating their strength in his quarter, and I am too weak in Kentucky to resist any serious invasion, with the force now there. I shall, therefore, keep any troops I have at present (whether under orders for others departments or not), unless your order otherwise. While somewhat impressed with the truth of such information, its vagueness prevents me from particularizing. If you have any troops to spare from any other quarter, they should be speedily sent to Kentucky.



Cincinnati, Ohio, March 5, 1863.

Colonel J. C. KELTON,

Asst. Adjt. General, Hdqrs. of the Army, Washington, D. C.:

COLONEL: I have the honor to transmit inclosed a copy of a letter recently received from Governor Robinson, of Kentucky, in regard to the probable damages of his State from the inroads in force of the rebels.* While I do not fully credit all the reports upon which his fears of an invasion of the State are founded, there is still enough in his communication to justify vigorous measures toward meeting and frustrating whatever attempts the rebels may undertake.

Before proceeding further, I would remark that, being fully convinced of the good policy of defending Kentucky by forces in advance of the border, I have, in pursuance of such conviction and the orders from headquarters of the army, sent to General Rosecrans all the forces within the Department of the Ohio which could be spared, reserving only so much as seemed to be imperatively required to protect the State from rebel raids during the winter and early spring, the season of bad roads. As the season advances, the powers of the enemy to ravage the State increase, and larger forces than I now have are required for its protection. Unless the Army of the Cumberland advances and drives the rebels back within the next thirty days, the State of Kentucky will be exposed to inroads of the enemy in strength which I shall not be belt to repel with forces now within her borders.

In a dispatch sent by telegraph to the General-in-Chief to-day, I have stated that, in consequence of information received from a variety of


*See of March 1, p. 96.
