392 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II
Page 392 | KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV. |
Michigan and One hundred and eleventh Ohio. I think, considering the authority of General Burnside to raise 20,000 men in Kentucky, that most of these regiments should be sent down where they will be needed. I do not like to add to this list by detaching Spears permanently. He will be ordered to report to you, but will be considered as temporarily detached. I should like very much to have you strengthen Gallatin by those two regiments from Bowling Green. You will want some cavalry at Carthage. Please answer, and let me know how soon you will be there. Have you a cipher, and what one?
LOUISVILLE, June 7, 1863-11.25 p. m.
Major-General ROSECRANS:
I did not expect the Carthage troops to belong permanently to me, but only wanted them under my complete control while I have charge of the place. The other troops mentioned I know nothing about, except that they were in Kentucky when the order from War Department put them into Twenty-third Army Corps. The absence of the Ninth Corps makes these troops more needed here than any other place. Regiments from Bowling Green [were sent] some time ago to Glasgow. Rebel raid is now taking place at Edmonton of more than 400 men. I don's think Kentucky will raise any troops, except by conscription, or until strongly threatened with it. None yet raised. Have only the military cipher. Will be in Bowling Green to-morrow or Tuesday.
HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES FORCES, Bowling Green, Ky., June 7, 1863.Major-General HARTSUFF, Louisville, Ky.:
I have been aware of the presence of 400 rebel force on Marrowbone Creek, but determined simply to watch their movement by reconnoitering parties until your arrival, when I desire to carry out a plan for their capture I have prepared. If you desire it, I will leave at once for Glasgow. I await instructions, if any.
Brigadier-General, Commanding.
HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES FORCES, Bowling Green, Ky., June 7, 1863.Brigadier-General MANSON,
Commanding at Glasgow, Ky.:
Seed out, if you think best, a regiment of cavalry preceded by a small detachment, to draw out the hostile force. Have the other mounted regiment en-route a few miles in rear as support. Under no circumstances approach the Cumberland so near as to compromise a perfectly safe retreat. Use your entire discretion in every other particular, even as to sending out the force.
Brigadier-General, Commanding.
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