398 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II
Page 398 | KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV. |
HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Murfreesborough, June 8, [1863]-12 p. m.Colonel J. P. BAIRD, Franklin:
The two men are no doubt spies. Call a drum-head court-martial to-night, and if they are found to be spies, hang them before morning, without fail. No such men have been accredited from these headquarters.
Brigadier-General and Chief of Staff.FRANKLIN, June 8, 1863.
General GARFIELD, Chief of Staff:
I had just sent you an explanation of my first dispatch when I received your dispatch. When your dispatch came, they owned up as being a rebel colonel and lieutenant in rebel army. Colonel Orton, by name, but in fact Williams, first on General Scott's staff, of Second Cavalry, Regular Army. Their ruse was nearly successful on me, as I did not know the handwriting of my commanding officer, and am much indebted to Colonel Watkins, sixth Kentucky Cavalry, for their detention, and Lieutenant Wharton, of Granger's staff, for the detection of forgery of papers. As these men don't deny their guilt, what shall I do with them? My bile is stirred, and some hanging would do me good.
I communicate with you, because I can get an answer so much sooner than by signal, but I will keep General Granger posted. I will telegraph you again in short time, as we are trying to find out, and believe there is an attack contemplated in the morning. If Watkins gets anything out of Orton, I will let you know.
I am, general. your obedient servant,
Colonel, Commanding.
Numbers 156.
Murfreesborough, Tenn., June 8, 1863.I. The troops heretofore composing the Fourth division, Fourteenth Army Corps, are transferred to the command of Major General Gordon after known as the Fourth Division, Fourteenth Army Corps.
II. The following transfers are made from the Army of Kentucky: The One hundred and twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry to the Third Brigade, First Division, Twenty-first Army Corps; the brigade commanded by Brigadier General George Crook, composed of the following regiments: Eleventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Thirty-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Eighty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Ninety-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Eighteenth Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, and Twenty-first Indiana Battery to the Fourth Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, and will hereafter be known as the Third Brigade of that division.
III. The following troops are assigned to the command of Major General Gordon Grandger, with the organization herein prescribed, and will be known as the Reserve Corps:
Page 398 | KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV. |