420 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II
Page 420 | KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV. |
INDIANAPOLIS, June 11, 1863.
Major-General BURNSIDE:
The organization of knights of the Golden Circle, in Rush and adjoining counties, being reported quite extensive and determined, I sent down two companies of infantry and one of cavalry last night, under Lieutenant-Colonel [C. C.] Matson.
I hope to avoid serious difficulty, but if it comes, I shall handle it with all the force I have. I consider the presence of 2,000 rebel prisoners here impolitic, and need the guards. Shall therefore send them to Camp Chase.
LEXINGTON, KY., June 11, 1863.
Yours received. I have shown it to General Burnside, who directs me to say that he is perfectly satisfied with Carter's operations, he having driven the enemy 25 miles from the river; tat he does not design any movement more aggressive than this just now on the part of Carter. This he reported to me before that arrival of our telegram, as well as since.
Sanders' expedition left Somerset yesterday morning for mount Vernon, and will be pushed over with all possible dispatch.
Murfreesborough, June 12, 1863.Major-General ROSECRANS,
Commanding Department of the Cumberland:
GENERAL: In your confidential letter of the 8th instant to the corps and division commanders and generals of cavalry of this army, there were substantially five questions propounded for their consideration and answer, viz:
1. Has the enemy in our front been materially weakened by detachments to Johnston or elsewhere?
2. Can this army advance on him at this time with strong reasonable chances of fighting a great and successful battle?
3. Do you think an advance of our army at present likely to prevent additional re-enforcements being sent against Grant by the enemy in our front?
4. Do you think an immediate advance of this army advisable?
5. Do you think an early advance advisable?
Many of these answer are not categorical, and cannot be clearly set down either as affirmative or negative; especially in answer to the first question there is much indefiniteness, resulting from the difference of judgment as to how great a detachment could be considered a "material reduction" of Bragg's strength. For example, one officer thinks it has been reduced 10,000, but not "materially weakened."
The answer to the second question are modified in some instances by the opinion that the rebels will fall back behind the Tennessee River, and thus no battle can be fought either successful or unsuccessful.
Page 420 | KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV. |