Today in History:

554 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II

Page 554 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.

of the indigent families of soldiers. I see that Northern cities are appropriating hundreds of thousands of dollars to purchase exemptions and support the poor families of their soldiers, and I respectfully request that the council of the city of Louisville consider the matter.



Colonel, Commanding Post.


Numbers 173.
Winchester, Tenn., July 24, 1863.

To facilitate such trade in this department as may be compatible with the interests of the service, and to prevent the mischief and dangers arising from unrestricted travel by persons representing themselves as traveling for purposes of trade, it is hereby ordered:

I. All persons with proper permits from the Treasury Department to trade in the Department of the Cumberland, before being allowed to pass through our interior lines, or to-follow the army, must present such permits or authenticated copies of them to the provost-marshal-general of the army, accompanied by a written statement showing where they wish to trade, and between what points they wish passes; and the provost-marshal-general shall thereupon issue such passes to an extent compatible with the interests of the public service, and all such persons found traveling through the country inside our lines without such passes will be arrested and treated as spies.

II. All guards, police employes, scouting or reconnoitering parties, or patrols, and all officers and commands traveling on duty, will observe and interrogate all persons that may come in their way, requiring them to exhibit their passes or authority for traveling, and all suspicious persons and parties without proper passes will be taken into custody, and reported or delivered to the commanding officer at the nearest post on their route.

III. All persons found more than 10 miles from their places of residence or command, without passes or papers showing they are favorably known to the military authorities, or off from the routes described in their passes, will be deemed suspicious characters, and will be arrested and held for further examination by the commanding officer of the post where they are delivered.

IV. All persons having proper authority to trade and travel may, on application to the military superintendent of railroads, or to any quartermaster having control of transportation, obtain such transportation for themselves and goods as they may need, compatible with the interests of the service, at such rates and under such restrictions as may form time to time be prescribed by the chief quartermaster of the department.

By command of Major-General Rosecrans:


Assistant Adjutant-General.


Washington, July 25, 1863-2.30 p. m.

Major-General ROSECRANS, Nashville, Tenn.:

The great object you will have in view is to drive. Bragg from East Tennessee before he can be re-enforced by Johnston. it is said that

Page 554 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.