Today in History:

556 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II

Page 556 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.

for your tone of displeasure toward me, I shall not again refer to this matter.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,



NASHVILLE, TENN., July 25, 1863-7 p. m.

General H. W. HALLECK, General-in-Chief:

Assure the President that whatever prudence and energy we have shall be put to work to save and hold that region; but these must go together, or the last state of those loyal men will be worse than their present condition.


Major-General, Commanding.

WINCHESTER, TENN., July 25, 1863.


Communication from General Van Cleve, just received, in substance reports that Forrest is preparing for a raid on McMinnville; needs cavalry. Conscripts and deserters, and many citizens, heretofore rank secessionists, are coming in daily. Says some old sinners of pride wish me to send an armed force and bring them in, that they may not appear to have yielded voluntarily.

Word from Sequatchie Valley, evening of 22nd, by a man who lives 9 miles above Dunlap: Saw 50 of Forrest's pickets in the valley on the 21st, and 12 miles from Chattanooga; saw 400 cavalry arming; about 1,600 head of cattle toward Chattanooga.



Winchester, July 25, 1863.


Scouts last night report Forrest crossing opposite Chattanooga. I will move the regiment of Laiboldt's brigade at Anderson Station to join him at Stevenson, and will send him some artillery, and send two regiments from reserve brigade at Cowan to Anderson, with section of artillery. I cannot do without an engine and two or three platform-cars, subject to my order at Cowan, and they should be sent to me at once. The men at Stevenson have only the communication carried on their persons (50 rounds), and the road is so bad that it may be considered almost impassable. The Tennessee is falling rapidly, and we may expect to be assailed and troubled somewhat by the enemy's cavalry. A speedy communication with Stevenson-such as a locomotive would give us-is a necessity which should not be neglected.


Major-General, Commanding.

Cowan, via Winchester, July 25, 1863-9.30 p. m.

Brigadier-General GARFIELD, Chief of Staff:

SIR: The following information is from a rebel lieutenant who delivered himself up at Stevenson, and was forwarded to me:

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