569 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II
Colonel Waring's command was, on the 27th instant, 6 miles northwest of Paris, Tenn., and a portion of his cavalry were in Paris, but found no enemy there. I believe his command is now at Feliciana, near the State line. Inclosed please find my instructions just sent to him.
The Kentucky election, occurring on next Monday, is also of importance. Lucien Anderson, the Union candidate for Congress, was at Columbus yesterday. The rebel sympathizers will struggle to elect disloyal men; and, after mature consideration, I felt compelled to issue the enclosed explanatory order, as an addition to your Special Orders, Numbers 159, which had already been published and widely circulated.
Very respectfully, general, your obedient servant,
Columbus, Ky., July 30, 1863.Colonel GEORGE W. WARING, Jr.:
COLONEL: Inclosed I hand copies of official communications regarding the movements of the enemy in West Tennessee.
Major-General Hurlbut and Brigadier-General Dodge believe the rebel forces are at Paris. Your cavalry found the place deserted. According to my information, Baffle and others are at Jackson, extending from there to Trenton, scouting to Troy and Union City, and co-operating with [R. V.] Richardson's bands between the Hatchie and Obion Rivers. Under these circumstances, Feliciana is the proper position for your command at this moment, to co-operate from there with Colonel Hatch's forces against the rebels. You will endeavor to put yourself in communication with Colonel Hatch's command. I have already dispatched, several days go, messengers to meet the Union forces coming from Corinth and La Grange, with orders to report to you anything of importance. Besides the force of Baffle, Forrest, and others at Jackson, and this side that place, you will give your attention also to Richardson's operations on the Obion. His headquarters are at Dyersburg. I have ordered the Second Illinois Cavalry to move immediately upon their arrival from Fort Pillow, upon Richardson.
Yesterday four companies of my infantry were at Union City. They found no enemy there. Will send a train again to-morrow with four companies.
On 28th instant, Lieutenant [August] Thiel, of Fourth Missouri Cavalry, was fired upon twice, and shot through, the arm, upon the Obion Bridge, on the Clinton road, about sunset. Warn your messengers, pickets, and scouts to be very careful.
Inclosed find Special Orders, Numbers 159, from headquarters Sixteenth Army Corps, and my General Orders, Numbers 47. You will see that the ensuing election in your neighborhood is conducted and controlled in accordance with their provisions.
The detachment of Fifteenth Kentucky Cavalry you will order at once to Mayfield, subject there to Colonel Martin's orders, retaining, however, those having their homes in Fulton County.
Colonel Martin is directed to send supplies for your command by railroad from Paducah, upon your requisition. Report frequently and fully, and direct your messenger to exchange dispatches if they meet my messengers.
Respectfully, colonel, your obedient servant,