Today in History:

572 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II

Page 572 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.

to Somerset in time, but do it if you can. I hope you may bag Scott's command.



CINCINNATI, July 31, 1863.

General COLLUM, Chief of Staff:

I have thought it necessary to issue this morning the following General Orders, which I hope will meet with the approval of the commanding general:


Numbers 120.
Cincinnati, Ohio, July 31, [1863.]

Whereas the State of Kentucky is invaded by a rebel force, with the avowed intention of overawing the judges of elections, of intimidating the loyal voters, keeping them from the polls, and forcing the election of disloyal candidates at the election on the 3rd of August; and whereas the military power of the Government is the only force that can defeat this attempt, the State of Kentucky, is hereby declared under martial law, and all military officers are commanded to aid the constituted authorities of the State in the support of the laws and the purity of suffrage, as defined in the late proclamation of His excellency Governor Robinson. As it is not the intention of the commanding general to interfere with the proper expression of public opinion, all direction of the conduct of the election will be, as usual, in the hands of the legally appointed judges at the polls, who will be held strictly responsible that no disloyal person be allowed to vote, and to this end the military power is ordered to to give them its utmost support. The civil authority, civil courts and business will not be suspended by this order; it is for the purpose only of protecting, if necessary, the rights of loyal citizens and the freedom of election.

By command of Major-General Burnside, commanding department:


Assistant Adjutant-General.


Major-General, Commanding.

Abstract from return of the Department of the Cumberland, Major General William S. Rosecrans commanding, for the month of July, 1863; headquarters Winchester, Tenn.

Present for duty.

Command. Officer. Men.

Department staff (Winchester, 15 ...


10th Ohio, Colonel Joseph W. 31 416

Bruke (Winchester, Tenn.)

1st Battalion Ohio 5 168

Sharpshooters, Captain Gershom

M. Barber (Winchester, Tenn.)

Total. 36 584

Fourteenth Army Corps, Major

General George H. Thomas:

Staff (Decherd, Tenn.) 8 ...

9th Michigan, provost-guard, 21 271

Colonel John G. Parkhurst

(Decherd, Tenn.)

First Division, Brigadier 285 4,781

General John H. King (Cowan,


Second Division, Major General 320 4,379

James S. Negley (Cowan, Tenn.)

Third Division, Brigadier 346 5,997

General John M Brannan (near

Winchester, Tenn.)

4th Division, Major General 372 6,093

Joseph J. Reynolds (near

Dicherd, Tenn.).

Total Fourteenth Army Corps. 1,352 21,521

Command. Aggrega Aggrega- Aggrega-

te ge te last

present present return.



Department staff (Winchester, 18 34 34


10th Ohio, Colonel Joseph W. 551 637 645

Bruke (Winchester, Tenn.)

1st Battalion Ohio 230 309 309

Sharpshooters, Captain Gershom

M. Barber (Winchester, Tenn.)

Total. 781 946 954

Fourteenth Army Corps, Major

General George H. Thomas:

Staff (Decherd, Tenn.) 8 9 9

9th Michigan, provost-guard, 407 485 484

Colonel John G. Parkhurst

(Decherd, Tenn.)

First Division, Brigadier 6,010 8,748 8,700

General John H. King (Cowan,


Second Division, Major General 5,635 8,522 8,590

James S. Negley (Cowan, Tenn.)

Third Division, Brigadier 7,231 9,305 9,416

General John M Brannan (near

Winchester, Tenn.)

4th Division, Major General 7,745 9,994 9,370

Joseph J. Reynolds (near

Dicherd, Tenn.).

Total Fourteenth Army Corps. 27,036 37,063 36,569

Pieces of artillery.

Command. Heavy. Field.

Department staff (Winchester, ... ...


10th Ohio, Colonel Joseph W. ... ...

Bruke (Winchester, Tenn.)

1st Battalion Ohio ... ...

Sharpshooters, Captain Gershom

M. Barber (Winchester, Tenn.)

Total. ... ...

Fourteenth Army Corps, Major

General George H. Thomas:

Staff (Decherd, Tenn.) ... ...

9th Michigan, provost-guard, ... ...

Colonel John G. Parkhurst

(Decherd, Tenn.)

First Division, Brigadier ... 18

General John H. King (Cowan,


Second Division, Major General ... 16

James S. Negley (Cowan, Tenn.)

Third Division, Brigadier ... 16

General John M Brannan (near

Winchester, Tenn.)

4th Division, Major General ... 22

Joseph J. Reynolds (near

Dicherd, Tenn.).

Total Fourteenth Army Corps. ... 72

Page 572 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.