Today in History:

792 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II

Page 792 KY., MID., AND E. TENN., N., ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.

Kentucky. All quiet in this district. I shall desire to know as early as possible the present arrangements for the Department of East Tennessee.



Troops in the Department of East Tennessee, Brigadier General W. G. M. Davis, C. S. Army, commanding,* April 25, 1863; headquarters Knoxville, Tenn.

First Brigade (headquarters Harlan Court-House, Ky.,)

Brigadier General HUMPHREY MARSHALL.+

9th Georgia Artillery Battalion, Major A. Leyden.

1st Kentucky Mounted Rifles, Lieutenant Colonel E. F. Clay.

2nd Kentucky Mounted Rifles, Major Thomas Johnson.

4th Kentucky Cavalry, Colonel H. O. Giltoner.

5th Kentucky, Colonel H. Hawkins,

10th Kentucky Mounted Rifles, Colonel B. E. Caudill

27th Virginia Battalion (P. R.), Lieutenant Colonel H. A. Edmundson.

64th Virginia, Colonel C. Slemp.

Nottoway (Virginia) Artillery, Captain W. C. Jeffress.

Virginia Battery, Captain G. S. Davidson.

Second Brigade (headquarters Loudon, Tenn.)

Colonel G. T. MAXWELL.

1st Florida Cavalry, Captain H. Bradford.

6th Florida, Lieutenant Colonel A. D. McLean.

7th Florida, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bullock.

Fain's (Georgia) Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel R. H. Moore.

Marion (Florida) Light Artillery, Captain R. P. McCants.

Third Brigade (headquarters Beau's Station, Tenn.)

Brigadier General A. GRACIE, Jr.

43rd Alabama, Lieutenant Colonel J. J. Jolly.,

Hilliard's (Alabama) Legion, Colonel J. Thorington.

63rd Tennessee, Lieutenant Colonel A. Fulkerson.

Mabry (Tennessee) Artillery, Lieutenant Thomas O'Conner.

Tennessee Battery, Captain E. D. Baxter.

Fourth Brigade (headquarters Jonesborough, Tenn.)

Brigadier General A. E. JACKSON.

62nd North Carolina, Colonel R. G. A. Love.

Thomas Legion, Lieutenant Colonel J. R. Love

Thomas Legion (battalion), Lieutenant Colonel W. C. Walker.

Sappers and Miners (one company), Captain E. Winston.

McClung's (Tennessee) battery, Lieutenant A. Allison.

Rhett (Tennessee) Artillery, Captain William H. Burroughs.

Fifth Brigade (headquarters Clinton, Tenn.)


55th Georgia, Major D. S. Printup.

58th North Carolina, Major John C. Keener.

64th North Carolina, Lieutenant Colonel James A. Keith.

Barbour (Alabama) Artillery, Captain R. F. Kolb.


16th Georgia Battalion (P. R.), Lieutenant Colonel F. M. Nix.

54th Virginia, Colonel R. C. Trigg,

Independent cavalry company, Captain O. P. Miller.


*But see Maury's order of this date, p. 791.

+But see Marshall to Cooper, same date p. 791.


Page 792 KY., MID., AND E. TENN., N., ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.