Today in History:

857 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II


SHELBYVILLE, June 2, 1863.

General S. COOPER,

Adjutant and Inspector General:

If any moved should be made against this point or East Tennessee, authority ought to exist for mutual assistance. Some important change is going on in my front, possibly to attack, or to re-enforce Grant. We move to develop it to-morrow.


HEADQUARTERS, Shelbyville, June 2, 1863.

Lieutenant General LEONIDAS POLK,
Commanding Corps:

GENERAL: Please order in Walthall's brigade immediately, and assign your batteries again throughout the corps.

To-morrow I desire you to make a demonstration to the front; two brigades of Withers' division to move by Unionville toward Versailles, well covered by cavalry in front, and feel the enemy, but not bring on an engagement with superior force. Cheatham, with two brigades, to move likewise on Murfreesborough pike, with same view. General Hardee will make a corresponding movement to his front. General Maring will move cavalry so as to cover these demonstrations. Troops to move light, with two days' rations.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


General, Commanding.

HEADQUARTERS, June 2, 1863.

Lieutenant-General POLK,
Commanding Corps:

GENERAL: The general commanding direct me to inclose you a letter for General Martin,* with the request that you forward it to him.

I have the honor to remain, general, your obedient servant,



JUNE 2, [1863]-3 p. m.

[Lieutenant-General POLK:]

GENERAL: The troops will go light-no baggage for men; a wagon to a regiment, or one or two ambulances might carry officers; blankets.

The move is only a demonstration to feel the enemy, or discover if he is moving. If he intends re-enforcing Grant, it may draw him back. Move so as to be close on our pickets to-morrow night, and finish the job early next day, and move back part of the way.

Yours, very respectfully,


AT ROGERS', June 2, 1863.

Captain L. D. SANDIDGE,

Assistant Adjutant and Inspector General:

CAPTAIN: One of Burton's scouts, John Collins, has just arrived from Iuka, and reports that on last Tuesday a Federal mounted force, variously estimated from 2,000 to 5,000, left Corinth, and crossed the river at Hamburg, going up on north side of the river toward Florence.


*Not found.
